

A crying;
一家哭 双语例句

1. 一家哭的近义词

1. 当游戏结束之时,。大量的参与者都会输,但都输的不多,不再是过去那种一家哭来百家笑。
    When the game is over, lots of players are left holding small losses instead of one playerholding a big one.

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2. 当游戏结束之时,。大量的参与者都会输,但都输的不多,不再是过去那种一家哭来百家笑。
    When the game is over, lots of players are left holding small losses instead of one player holding a big one.

3. 一家哭的翻译

3. 一家人家给你哭完了!
    Wantto drown US all in your tears.9

4. 经过一番长篇大论,一家人终于明白我的来意,顿时大人叫,孩子哭,跟鬼子进村似的,让我感到特别不自在,因为我比较不愿让别人失望,尤其是小朋友,她们用法式英语鬼哭狼嚎:我们没病,你可以给我们化验,我们要去上海,太不公平啦。。。
    After a long, long, speach, when the two little girls finally understand what i came for, they cried aloud immediately:we are not sick, you can test us, we want to go to shanghai, it`s so unfair....wuwuwu. i feel very uncomfortable, i hate let people down, expicially sweet kid, but how supposed to i discribe the Bureaucracy to the little kid.

5. 这次特价的厉害就买了,本来是要舒洁的,回家,晚上一家人去吃米线了,这是NONO第一次吃,也是第一次和爸爸妈妈去饭店吃,好幸福呀,吃的满头大汗,一个字,爽,哈哈,很多米线,两个人一碗也够了,以前对它总有恐惧,觉得滑滑的,面条就不一样了,吃起来很塌实啊,不过人生总该尝试些好玩的但不伤害自己的东西,就像有机会一定玩蹦级一样,军训最后一天试了方便米线,饿的时候还不错,不过因该不会吃第二次了,这回吃了稍微正宗点的,排骨味和雪菜肉丝味,还不错,没有了以前的排斥,就想宋军老师说,克服自己就是克服了最大的敌人,NONO会哭,但还是会勇敢,哭不是不勇敢的表现,或许是泪腺比别人发达了点哈哈。
    This special price fierce has bought, wants Shu Jie originally, goes home, evening the whole family ate the rice-flour noodle, this was NONO the first time eats, was also first time goes to the hotel with father and mother to eat, good happy, ate being sweating profusely, a character, crisp, ha, many rice-flour noodles, a two person bowl has also sufficed, before always had the fear to it, thought gurgles, the noodles were dissimilar, ate is very dependable, but the life ought to attempt amusingly but did not injure own thing, likely had the opportunity certainly to play jumps the level to be the same, Military training last taiping heavenly kingdom civil service examination convenience rice-flour noodle, hungry time also good, but because should not eat the second time, this has eaten slightly orthodox school, spareribs taste and potherb mustard shredded meat taste, but was also good, did not have the beforehand repel, thought that Mr.