一时一刻[yī shí yí kè]
(not to stop) for a single second; for a single moment:
Never for a single moment cut yourself off from the masses.
1. 一时一刻
1. aabazu:222226 aabaao 一时一事 | 222298 aabazu 一时一刻 | 222388 aabeuv 一日三秋
1. 一时一刻
1. 当然,我一时一刻都没有忘记过你。
Certainly, I hadn`t forget you since I left.
2. 我要一时一刻也不耽误。"
I wouldn't lose no time."
3. 人类的生存与发展一时一刻也离不了水,水资源的可持续利用是人类永恒的话题。
Human can't live and develop without it and the sustainable utilization of water resources is human's eternal problem.
4. 一时一刻
4. 相信我,我没有一时一刻不在想你,不想你是绝对不可能的,没有一丝的意念不随着你的意愿。
Believe me that it is utterly impossible for me to have a single thought that is not yours, a single fancy that is not submissive to your will.
5. 一时一刻是什么意思
5. 人类的生存与发展一时一刻也离不了水,水资源的可持续利用是人类永恒的话题。
Human can`t live and develop without it and thesustainable utilization of water resources is human`s eternal problem.
6. 自从我妈死后的一时一刻
Ever since my mom died, every now and then.
7. 我们害怕觉醒,害怕孤独,一时一刻也离不了我们名之曰娱乐的那些嘈杂和混乱。冯云卿惊喊起来,一切杂乱的感想立刻逃散,只剩下一种情绪:惊奇而又暗喜。
We are afraid to be awake, afraid to be alone, afraid to be a moment without the noise and confusion we call entertainment. Feng Yun-ching gasped in astonishment. The mental turmoil instantly ceased, leaving only two impressions in his mind: amazement and delight.
8. 一时一刻什么意思
8. 你难道看不到,我是多么爱你,以至我不忍看你有一时一刻受到约束。
Don't you see, I love you so much that I cannot think of restraining you for a moment.
9. 自然在安排呼吸器官的运作上,是一时一刻都不休息的。
Nature is uninterrupted to arrange the operation of breath organ.
10. 他从来没有一时一刻相信过罗摩拉对他的感情会有如此强烈,以致于能够压过他的秘密被揭穿时所产生的反感。
He had never for a moment relied on romolas passion for him as likely to be too strong for the repulsion created by the discovery of his secret.
11. 一时一刻也不要脱离群众。
Never for a single moment cut yourself off from the masses.
12. 一时一刻
12. 她后来告诉他,他当时是在追求她,他的目光使她一时一刻都没安宁过。
Later, she told him that he had pursued her, that his eyes had left her not a moment's peace.
13. 生命是由一时一刻串联而成的,每一个时刻都是感受真正的快乐机会,而每一个我们没有好好利用以便让生活丰盈的时刻,都是光阴虚度。
Life is a series of moments, each an opportunity for true happiness, and every moment that we don't take advantage of, living to its fullest, is a moment wasted.
14. 如果我的环境好一些,我连一时一刻都不会考虑他到底是谁的儿子。
If I were better off, I should not stop for a moment to think whose he might be.
15. 有她在教室,一时一刻都很宝贵,我舍不得出去。
I could not bear to miss one precious moment of her presence by leaving the room.
16. 信任一个人,不是一时一刻,转瞬即逝,而是永远!
And when you believe in someone, it's not for a minute or just for now. It's forever.