

一来一往[yī lái yì wǎng]

词典back and forth来回地;一来一往。


词典in and out进进出出;曲曲弯弯;一来一往。

一来一往 汉英大词典

一来一往[yī lái yì wǎng]

back and forth; in and out

一来一往 双语例句

1. 一来一往的反义词

1. 葛婆子哭起来了,她丈夫掉头不顾,因为他自己的感情非常强烈,不容他对她发生同情了,他一来一往的走着,他那沉重的脚步震动着地板。
    Mrs. Gerhardt burst into tears, and her husband turned away, his own feelings far too intense for him to have any sympathy with her. He walked to and fro, his heavy step shaking the kitchen floor.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 我们每天都讲很多话,既有我提问他回答,也有一来一往的聊天。
    I talked to him a good amount of times every day from just asking questions to actual convos.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 乍临人生,你在哭,爱你的人在笑;生命终结,你在笑,爱你的人在哭;一来一往,一哭一笑,人生就这样走过。
    Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get...

4. 一来一往的解释

4. 当然,这些一来一往的礼物,都是我们双方在垃圾堆里掏出来的精品。
    These, of course, one to one to the gifts, we are both out to the garbage dump in the boutique.

5. 他们不会不分场合地去戏谑贬低别人,但他们会做到有意无意地去肯定别人,去鼓励、赞许别人,让人感觉很舒服的~~他们会倾听别人,也会表达和抒发自己,就在这一来一往之间拉近了和别人的距离。
    During the course they listen to others and express themselves.

6. 哈哈,好了,就是这样一来一往,我就把Luckybear的专业说明一点点地给套出来了,大家学会了没?
    You scored as Philosophy. You should be a Philosophy major!

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. 遍观世界,生命的运作就像舞蹈,由成员之间一来一往的舞步所形成。
    Across Earth, life is a dance filled with the push and pull of many partners.

8. 一来一往是什么意思

8. 呵,就这麼一来一往,一句回一句,网友又多了一位,实在是个有趣经验啊。
    PS: What is Plugoo? Take a look by clicking here.

9. 然后两个人一来一往,就熟悉起来。
    Then they two discussed this question back and forth, and they got acquaintance with each other.

10. 经过了这一来一往的交流,至少在目前警方已经决定不去追究希尔女士的法律责任了。
    After those exchanges, it had decided not to pursue the application against Ms Hill & at least for now.