一毛不拔[yī máo bù bá]
词典too stingy to pull out a hair:一毛不拔。
词典as mean as a miser:一毛不拔。
词典be tight as a drum:一毛不拔。
词典extremely stingy:一毛不拔。
一毛不拔[yī máo bù bá]
too stingy to pull out a hair; as mean as a miser; be tight as a drum; extremely stingy; not to give a cent to; not to give away even a hair; not to lift a finger to help; refuse to contribute a single cent; unwilling to give up even a hair; very sparing i
But not a cent would he part with!
1. as close as a clam:as clear as mud 不清晰, 混乱 | as close as a clam 一毛不拔 | as cross as two sticks 非常生气
2. won't stir a finger:dust and heat --- 风尘劳顿,汗马之劳 | won't stir a finger --- 一毛不拔 | dog in the manager --- 鸠占鹊巢
3. 一毛不拔是什么意思
3. as close as wax:一唱一和one singsthe other harmonizes--sing the same tune/echo each other. | 一毛不拔as close as wax | 一贫如洗 as poor as a Church mouse
4. too stingy to pull out a hair:too numerous to mention 举不胜举 | too stingy to pull out a hair. 一毛不拔 | tooth and nail 拼命