

A rice;
一颗米 双语例句

1. 可是将中国这麼大的土地放在四海之中,中国也不过是米仓中的一颗米而已。
    Middle kingdom is big, however, comparing to the four seas, it just is a grain of rice in the barn.

2. 一颗米的近义词

2. 可是将中国这么大的土地放在四海之中,中国也不过是米仓中的一颗米而已。
    Middle kingdom is big however, comparing to the four seas, it just is a grain of rice in barn.

3. 一颗米

3. 一颗米一颗米地细挑来煮饭。利用墙上那点儿小地方,凿个小孔来种庄稼。
    It is somewhat like tidying up hair by each hair, cooking rice by each grain or growing crops on a hole made on a wall.