

一鼓作气[yī gǔ zuò qì]

词典get sth. done in one vigorous effort一鼓作气。

词典accomplish with one effort一鼓作气。

词典at one fling一举,一鼓作气。

词典At the first drum courage is aroused.一鼓作气。

一鼓作气 汉英大词典

一鼓作气[yī gǔ zuò qì]

get sth. done in one vigorous effort; accomplish with one effort; at one fling; At the first drum courage is aroused.; be stimulated at the sound of the first drum; brace one's nerve for an effort; do sth. without letup; in one go; make a vigorous effort t


    They pressed on without letup until they got to the top of the hill.

一鼓作气 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Rousing the spirits with the first drum roll:夜郎自大 the conceited King of Yelang | 一鼓作气 Rousing the spirits with the first drum roll | 一箭双雕 Killing two bids with one stone

2. at a dash:asleep at the swotch,asleep on the job 坐失良机 | at a dash 一鼓作气 | at any rate 无论如何

3. spirt:spirostane 螺旋甾烷 | spirt 一鼓作气 | spirt 拚命跑

4. 一鼓作气的解释

4. at one fling:[一帆风顺] Everything is going smoothly | [一鼓作气] at one fling | [一呼百应] Multitudes respond to sb.'s call