

万籁俱寂[wàn lài jù jì]

词典All sounds are still.万籁俱寂。


词典A profound silence prevailed over all.万籁俱寂。


词典All sounds are hushed.万籁俱寂。

词典All nature was hushed.万籁俱寂。

万籁俱寂 汉英大词典

万籁俱寂[wàn lài jù jì]


All sounds are still.; A profound silence prevailed over all.; All sounds are hushed.; All nature was hushed.; All sounds of nature stopped -- complete silence of the night.; All was peace and quiet and the universe seemed a stretch of long silence.; All i

万籁俱寂 网络解释

1. Hush love:Hush love 万籁俱寂 | I see a light in the sky 我看见一道光芒划过天际 | Oh it's almost blinding me 几乎夺走我的目光

2. in complete silence:a complete change 彻底的变化 | in complete silence 万籁俱寂 | a complete stranger 素不相识的人

3. Hush now:All the eyes of a boy 我看到男孩的纯真眼神 | Hush now 万籁俱寂 | I see a light in the sky 我看见一道光芒划过天际

4. absolute quiet:absolute power 无限的权力 | absolute quiet 万籁俱寂 | absolute ruler 专制的统治

万籁俱寂 双语例句

1. 在这样的晚上,万籁俱寂,仰头看那墨色的天空,一切都纹丝不动,很长一段时间后,会让人觉得耳中翁响,因静到了极点,只有呼吸声与之相伴,但如果此时有一颗流星从你眼前划过,很快的,只一瞬间,但就是这一瞬间,你会不自觉的挺直身板,屏住呼吸,睁大眼努力的看那短暂的一道亮光,犹如像体内注入一针兴奋剂,即使消失了,仍仰起头,企盼下一次的兴奋。
    Often when I thought of those who took part in the Olympics big brother, big Sister, in order to honor the indomitable and training for more than 10 hours, and never called out hard, shouting out tired; injuries than under the training ground, and never give up easily; whether Handonglayue or scorching sun, they Perseverance, indomitable and hard training.

2. 严冬之夜,万籁俱寂,温文尔雅的莎士比亚不拘形迹地走进来了。
    Winter evenings---the world shut out---with less of ceremony, the gentle Shakespeare enters.

3. 我只能听到远处一只小黄鸟在啁啾啁啾地歌唱,还有一只蝉在发出催眠的叫声,不然就真是万籁俱寂了。
    Far off, I could hear the wich-wich-wich of a yellow warbler and a locust's somnolent buzz, otherwise silence

4. 一天深夜,万籁俱寂,漆黑一片。
    Late in night one day, A profound silence prevailed over all, utter darkness.

5. 万籁俱寂,她唯一听到的是长青藤轻扣玻璃声。
    A profound silence prevailed over all and the only thing she could hear was the tap of ivy on the pane.

6. 就在雷鸣前的一刹那,突然万籁俱寂,没有一片树叶动,也没有一只鸟鸣。
    Just before the thunder broke, Everything suddenly went as still as death; not a leaf rustled, not a bird sang.

7. 万籁俱寂的反义词

7. l 月亮是一个声断音绝的世界,是一个万籁俱寂的世界。
    L 1. The moon is a world that is completely still and where utter silence prevails.

8. 在沉静的林苑中,我常去倾听万籁俱寂
    In the quiet grove I often go to listen when all is silent.

9. 万籁俱寂的近义词

9. 我听见你,每当大海掀起狂涛发出咆哮;在沉静的林苑中,我常去倾听万籁俱寂
    I hear you when in a dull surge and fall the breakers roar, Though often in a copse the quiet's all i wander for.

10. 万籁俱寂

10. 万籁俱寂,这给她的印象与其说是声音的虚无,不如说是一种实际的存在。
    The soundlessness impressed her as a positive entity rather than as the mere negation of noise.

11. 万籁俱寂

11. 打开音乐,声调降到最低。万籁俱寂中,听!
      Open the music, be going to the tone falldown up to lowest.

12. 万籁俱寂是什么意思

12. 万籁俱寂,只有一面绸制旗子轻轻飘动的响声。
      Nothing to be heard but the soft flap of a silk banner.

13. 万籁俱寂什么意思

13. 就在雷鸣前的一刹那,突然万籁俱寂,没有一片树叶动,也没有一只鸟鸣。
      Just before the thunder broke, everything suddenly went as still as death; not a leaf rustled, not a bird sang.

14. 万籁俱寂在线翻译

14. 夜晚,我凝视静谧星空衬托下的幽幽树影,万籁俱寂,最后的思念还是你。
      At night, I stare at the dark trees silhouetted against the quiet stars, I am entranced into a compete peacefulness and my last thoughts are of you.

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. 夜幕降临之时,我便将一大堆橡木、胡桃木放在壁炉旁;(用断了一条腿的家用烛剪)熄灭了炉架上的牛油蜡烛,然后把我的椅子拖到旺腾柴火的正前方,将双脚伸到古老的铁柴架之上。我让自己沉浸于这万籁俱寂的静夜之中,清醒无比,而又浮思联翩。在我的灵魂深处,我相信,我的朋友没有几个能有幸歆享如此良宵。
      As night approaches, I have a huge pile of oak and hickory placed beside the hearth; I put out the tallow candle on the mantel, (using the family snuffers, with one leg broken, ) then, drawing my chair directly in front of the blazing wood, and setting one foot on each of the old iron fire-dogs, I dispose myself for an evening of such sober and thoughtful quietude, as I believe, on my soul, that very few of my fellow- men have the good fortune to enjoy.

16. 夜晚万籁俱寂时突然听到一声尖叫,吓得我汗毛直竖。
      My skin crawled when I heard a sudden shriek in the dead of night.

17. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

17. 梦,是在你伫立在寒冬的村口,俯视着山下,为一片山林湖泊万籁俱寂莫然无语时静静走来的。
      Dreaming reaches quietly to you when you are standing in the village of the chilly winter, overlooking the mountains while falling voiceless for the silent world.

18. 万籁俱寂

18. 万籁俱寂,忽然响起各种各样莫名其妙的噪音?劈劈啪啪,吱吱嘎嘎,沙沙瑟瑟。
      The silence became full of sound: noise you couldn't put a name to? A crack, a creak, a rustle.

19. 万籁俱寂的近义词

19. 除了湍急的河水与昆虫的低鸣声外,这儿不见一人,万籁俱寂
      There was no one to be seen and no sounds other than fast-flowing water and the hum of insects.

20. 万籁俱寂是什么意思

20. 当夜万籁俱寂,月色初上。
      The night was very still and the moon had just risen.