

三不管[sān bù guǎn]

词典come within nobody's jurisdiction三不管。


词典be nobody's business三不管。

三不管 汉英大词典

三不管[sān bù guǎn]


come within nobody's jurisdiction; be nobody's business

三不管 网络解释

1. Chaos:2007 老港正传 / Mr. Cinema | 2007 三不管 / Chaos | 电视及电台 / TV and Radio

2. Saam bat gun:同门 Tung moon ------- (2009) | 三不管 Saam bat gun ------- (2008) | 人在江湖 Yan tsoi gong wu ------- (2007)

三不管 双语例句

1. 此时,果绿向湖蓝报告三十四失踪了,湖蓝认为三十四是有意要吸引他的注意力,他认定密码就在零的身上,现在零呆在三不管就是在跟他们耗时间,他要让零动起来,希望这样能从零身上得到有价值的线索。
    At this point, green fruit to the report of the Hulan 34 missing, Hulan 34 that he intended to attract the attention he that password in the body of zero, zero now come within nobody to stay in power with them Time, he would like to see zero action, zero hope that this can be found valuable clues.

2. 三不管的解释

2. 在A-Rod的三不管一垒安打回第一分后,松井挥出一记三分全垒打,让洋基首局有4-0的领先。
    After Rodriguez drove in the Yankees` first run with a bloop single, Matsui drilled a three-run homer to give the Yankees a 4-0 lead in the first.

3. 第五集果绿来了三不管之后,鲲鹏心里没了底,他命令手下四处搜索湖蓝,但没有发现湖蓝的踪迹,鲲鹏再次开始挑衅。
    Di Wuji green fruit had to come within nobody, Kunpeng was not the end of his command around his Hulan search, but found no trace of the Hulan, Kunpeng once again began to provocation.

4. 他们与城外的世界有着不明文的规定,互不侵犯,河水不犯井水,寨城严如一个三不管的地带。
    They and the outside world has an unwritten requirement, non-aggression, minding our own business, Walled City, strict regulation of any kind, such as a zone.

5. 三不管的较量就此结束了。
    Come within nobody's on this contest is over.

6. 零和修远回到了三不管的荒漠中,修远选择了自杀。
    Xiu-zero-sum far back to come within nobody's desert, far from repair chose to commit suicide.

7. 这项基本权利的裁决对原告甚为重要,因为其长久以来苦於所处的法律三不管身份。
    This determination of fundamental rights is critical to Plaintiffs because they continue to suffer as a result of the legal limbo in which they find themselves.

8. 网路统治必不得使网路成为国际人权保障的三不管地带。
    Internet governance must not result in a lawless zone escaping international human rights protection.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. 第十一集麻怪带着零起程了,他们顺利地离开了三不管
    Ma eleventh-odd years and with the leave, they successfully come within nobody left.

10. 第六集三十四离开三不管后,湖蓝命令对其进行严密的监视。
    Di Liuji come within nobody left, Hulan order to carry out close surveillance.

11. 三不管是什么意思

11. 夜幕降临,徒步走来的零也到达了三不管镇,一路的艰辛已使他筋疲力尽。
      As night fell, approaching zero on foot also come within nobody reached the town, all the way and the pain has made him exhausted.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 这制造了一些难题,因为接下来我们只能把车送回英国修理,金宝在提到一起尤为严重的检验事故时说,这就像进入了一个三不管地带,因为我们当时已经缴过(进口)税了。
      That caused some difficulties because we then had to send the car back to the UK to be repaired, says Mr James of one particularly bad inspection incident. It was in a sort of no-man's-land because we had already paid the [import] taxes.

13. 法官作出有利于被告的判决,并要原告偿付法庭费用。这项基本权利的裁决对原告甚为重要,因为其长久以来苦于所处的法律三不管身份。
      The judge pronounced for the defendant, and also said that his opponent should pay the court costs. This determination of fundamental rights is critical to Plaintiffs because they continue to suffer as a result of the legal limbo in which they find themselves.

14. 这制造了一些难题,因为接下来我们只能把车送回英国修理,金宝在提到一起尤为严重的检验事故时说,这就像进入了一个三不管地带,因为我们当时已经缴过(进口)税了。
      That caused some difficulties because we then had to send the car back to the UK to be repaired, says Mr James of one particularly bad inspection incident. It was in a sort of no-man's-land because we had already paid the [ import ] taxes.