

三山五岳[sān shān wǔ yuè]

词典high mountains三山五岳。

三山五岳 汉英大词典

三山五岳[sān shān wǔ yuè]


high mountains

三山五岳 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 您飘逸的长发是那蜿蜒多折的小溪,您硬朗的脊背是那三山五岳
    Your long hair are those elegant multi-folded meandering streams, the spine is that you are tough Sanshanwuyue.

2. 一位摄影爱好者这样说:泰山,黄山等三山五岳,去一次就不想再去第二次。
    A photographic amateur said like this: Taishan, high mountains and so on Mt. Huangshan, go one time not to want to go to the second time again.

3. 三山五岳是什么意思

3. 我们走向海角天涯,指点着三山五岳
    We go to the ends of the earth, leading our nation's path.

4. 三山五岳的意思

4. 夏小万在这件作品中按照山海经的描述变相了一支奇怪的动物,像是马的身体,人的面孔,以足踏三山五岳的动势从天而降,画面充满奇幻的色彩。
    Xia Xiaowan painted an animal descending down from sky according to the narration of the book, which had a horse-like body and a human face.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 忽然又看见阿萱和许多人在大客厅上摆擂台,园子里挤满了三山五岳奇形怪状的汉子
    Suddenly, he saw Ahhsuan and a number of other people performing a sword-dance in the drawing-room, while the garden swarmed with grotesque giants.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. 他的身体变成了东、西、南、北四极和雄伟的三山五岳
    His body has been become the east, the west, north quadrupole composes in reply southward, grand high mountains;

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7. 这声音响彻三山五岳
    The voice resounded across the heavens.