

三恪 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 吉礼部分主要考察了吴天上帝与地祗、社稷,宗庙,风、雨、司寒、百神,岳镇海渎,先代帝王,文宣王与武成王等六方面的情况;宾礼部分主要考察了蕃夷和二王三恪的情况;军礼部分主要:考察了亲征与巡狩,献俘与宣露布,劳军与饮至,讲武与田狩,大射与观射,日食救护与大傩驱邪等六方面的情况;嘉礼部分主要考察了朝参与朝贺,册命,婚,宣赦,上尊号与上寿,观稼,尊师与乡饮酒等七今方面的情况;凶礼部分主要考察了丧葬、谥法、服制三方面的情况。
    They are the rituals of happiness, the ritual for guests, the rituals for armies, the ritual for celebrations and the rituals for funerals. They are explored in 5 chapters. In the part of the ritual for happiness, 6 aspects are explored. They are God, the god of the field, states, temples of ancestors, the god of wind, the god of rain, the god in charge of winter, hundreds of gods, the god of the mountain and the sea, prior emperors, Confucius and Jiangshang; In the part of the ritual of guests, the savage tribes and """"er wang san ke"""" are mainly explored, In the part of the ritual for armies, 6aspects are explored.

2. 他把这一思想在临终前写成系统的文字,即《皇晋宜越魏继汉不应以魏后为三恪论》。
    His this thought in just before the end front wrote the system writing, namely Jin Cheng Han Tong Lun.