1. 原来故事是这样传来的,兔子窝一般有三个洞口,所谓的狡兔三窟,就是这样的含义。
My favorite color is green, food is pizza, and season is fall...
2. 狡兔三窟(只有一个洞的老鼠容易被抓到)。
The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.
3. 聪明的老鼠洞穴多;狡兔三窟
Smart mouse has more than one hole.
4. 三窟是什么意思
4. 。他可是狡兔三窟啊!
He might be dipping his snout into a different trough
5. 狡兔三窟:给职业生涯多个出口最近流行做职业生涯,专家一般都会根据你的情况,给你建议数个适合的发展方向,即使你已经选择了其中一个,也不要忽视其他方面的能力培养,多几个出口,对你更有利。
When you are traveling, put one post-it into your wallet with your name, private phone number, phone numbers of friends and your medicine history.14. Drink 6 cups of water per day.
6. 第十三窟,正中端座一尊交脚弥勒佛像,高12米多,左臂与腿之间雕有一托臂力士像,这是云冈石窟仅有的一例。
Cave 13rd, the middle-side seat to pay a foot Maitreya Buddha, 12 meters high, carved between the left arm and a leg up arm strength as a disability, the Yungang Grottoes is the only case.
7. 三窟
7. 如果外交努力失败,你不得不采取做出军事抉择:纳坦兹核设施铀浓缩厂和别的地方的工厂将会是伊朗的核计划推迟一年或者三年更多,不过当他们重新开始的时候,只会让他们狡兔再多三窟。
If diplomacy fails, you do have a military option: bombing the uranium-enrichment facility in Natanz and other plants would set back Iran`s programme a year or three and put the mullahs on notice to expect more if they tried again.
8. 大厦将倒,老鼠先知;狡兔还有三窟呐,更何况这些个由大陆无知老百姓用钞票堆起来的演艺明星们呢??!!!!
Maybe we can explain the phenomenon why the farmers go into the mega polis as migrant worker by this theory. Shall we criticize them for that?
9. 在这些石窟中,比较有特色的有:第三窟是云冈石窟中最大的石窟,前面断崖高25米,中上部凿有12个方形石孔。
In these caves, more features are: Cave is the third largest in the Yungang Grottoes Grottoes, in front of a high cliff 25 meters in the upper part of the cutting of 12 holes a square stone.
10. 911查询·英语单词
10. 作品简介:作品创作之初根据敦煌壁画、莫高窟第三窟千手千眼观音感化,其创意是古代佛文化和现代人的关系,启示一种信仰。
Learning from the Goddess of Mercy in Dunhuang Murals, the work reveals the relationship between ancient Buddhism and modern people.
11. 石窟中有南诏王形象的三窟是南诏王族乌蛮民族祖先崇拜的遗迹,而非本主。布依族是我国南方的少数民族。
The three caves containing the Nanzhao kings'figures were the traces of the ancestor worship of the Nanzhao royal family and the southern minority nationalities.
12. 三窟的近义词
12. 一只狡猾的兔子会造三条路到它的洞穴。(狡兔三窟。)
A sly rabbit will have three openings to its den.