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上天梯 双语例句

1. 他们商量后由马托来扶,卡森先爬,当卡森爬上去后,马托也跟上来,而就在马托刚准备往上爬时,卡森突然把马托从天梯上推了下来,结果,两人一起跌入地牢
    They discussed to help after the mato, Carson first climb, when Carson climb, the mato also keep up, but just ready to climb in Mali, the Cason suddenly mato pushed from the ladder on down as a result, they both fall into the dungeon......

2. 耶和华是站在那个天梯上,亲自向雅。。。
    The Lord is standing on the ladder, the person to the elegant...

3. 上天梯的解释

3. 爬不上通往爱的天梯。
    Could not climb on the ladder leading to love.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 她聪明美丽,容光照人,以至她的父母将她送上天梯,送到天上,从此她就一直在那儿统治。
    She was so bright and radiant that her parents sent her up the Celestial Ladder to heaven, where she has ruled ever since.

5. 山上现存建筑为清代所重修,整个建筑群分三路布局,南路为中轴线,从低到高依次三清洞、天王庙、天桥、土地庙、子孙宫、四元君殿、采花将军殿、灵宫殿、雷神殿等,以420级上天梯连通。
    The mountains of the existing building for the rehabilitation of the Qing Dynasty, the whole layout of the buildings Fensan Lu, for the South axis, from low to high followed by three-ching, Temple days, flyovers, Tude Miao, children and grandchildren palace, four Hall of Yuanjun, general flowers Hall, Hope Palace, Temple of mine to 420 Shangtianti connectivity.

6. 从中天门上山顶必须经过十八盘,盘道陡峭,像天梯高悬,是较险的地方。
    The entire journey covers 9 kilometer and 6, 566 winding stone steps.

7. 上天梯的意思

7. 突然,你跳进我的水里,搭上一座心灵构筑的天梯。
    Suddenly, you jumped into my water, putting up a ladder which constructed with soul and heart.

8. 由迎客松往东去,可至黄山三大主峰中最险峻的天都峰,上天都峰并非易事,必须经陡峻奇险的天梯。
    By welcoming pine to the east, to the peak of Huangshan three most dangerous tiandoufeng, and easy on tiandoufeng must be approved by the steepest singular danger the rock.