1. calculate up:calculate down 下计 | calculate up 上计 | calculated costs 预计费用
1. 上计
1. 汉代实行郡国上计制度,规定地方郡国每年、边郡每三年向中央上报由本行政区域的各类档案汇集而成的计簿,作为中央考核地方政绩的依据。
The Han Dynasty carried out the prefectural state counting system which stipulated locality every year and prefectural state every three years submitted a count gathering all kinds of files in this region to central government.
2. 郡国用于上计的档案是由县、乡各级地方行政逐级上报汇总而成的。
And this count was taken as a base examining local government achievements.
3. 与各郡的上计和地方诸侯王国的定期朝见相适应,在京师长安出现了诸侯王邸、列侯邸和郡邸,汉王朝对周边少数民族长期实行羁縻政策,随着双方实力对比的消长,双方既有对抗,又有友好往来,与汉王朝的羁縻政策相适应,在长安和洛阳都出现了蛮夷邸,作为接待少数民族使者的场所。
So the mansions of the princes, the vassals and the counties were put up in the capital, Changan. For a long time the Han Dynasty used to bridling the minorities. With the rise and fall of the both sides strength, sometimes the Han Dynasty would oppose the minorities, but sometimes they associated friendly. As a result, the mansion of the barbarians appeared in Changan and Loyang to receive the envoys of the minorities.
4. 被逐渐变小的线进入被透镜产生在电压耦合元件上计画线形状的一个平行的轻领域之内被放,当线被调整产生正确的发射时候,电压耦合元件将会扫描向前纵观的方向收集整个的线图像而且输入它进入一部计算机。
The tapered thread is put into a parallel light field created by lens to project thread shape on CCD, the CCD will scan along longitudinal direction to collect the whole thread shadow and input it into a computer when the thread is adjusted to create correct projection.
5. 而汉代边塞的档案管理制度则是上计制度的一个重要环节,这是边塞档案管理制度在边塞行政中的首要任务和作用。
However, the file management system of border fastnesses was an important link of the counting system and also be primary task and function in the file administration of border fastnesses in the Han Dynasty.
6. 我想我还是,嗯…先走为上计吧
I think I'll just, uh... give running away a try.
7. 噢,真不想离开这儿,但我们还是走为上计。
Part 5: Oh, it's very tempting, but I think we'd better go.
8. 从这轮增长中获利的主要是本土企业。2001年电信业崩盘后,西方的运营商们或者走为上计,或者退避三舍,非洲公司们则争抢着扩张。
The companies benefiting from this growth are mainly home-grown.
9. 所以趁没人注意时,三十六计走为上计,我便一溜烟跑回了爸爸的办公室,坐在沙发上假装没事发生过。
So while no one noticed, the insights gained away as fast as the dollars, I would Yiliu Yan ran back the father's office, sitting on the couch to pretend nothing happened.
10. 三十六计,走为上计,我赶紧遛。
Thirty-Six, go to the account, I hasten to stroll.
11. 走为上计既不巧妙也不奏效
Disengagement is neither artful nor effective.
12. 中国审计史的研究,应当走出西汉上计是国家审计这一学术误区。
The study of audit history of China should be moved from the wrong academic area that upper project is a state audit.
13. 上计在线翻译
13. 各级地方政府在户口登记的工作结束后,对登记的户口资料进行统计和总结,编制户籍簿,逐层上报到朝廷,由此形成了上计制度。
When the household registration ended, all levels local governments collected and summed up the datum of registration, and constituted Registration Book, then reported layer by layer to the court, which form the system of statistic and submit.
14. 西汉上计,并非国家审计。
Upper project of West Han is not a state audit.
15. 上计
15. 建立了悬挂于金属塔上计及高压母线效应时的金属氧化物避雷器三维静电场模型,利用有限元数值方法计算了这一静电场分布。
3D electrostatic model for surge arresters suspended under metal tower considering bus effect is proposed in this paper, and the electric field is solved with finite element method (FEM).
16. 上计什么意思
16. 经济与城市化快速发展,随之而来的人口密集,交通拥挤,环境质量恶化,生态安全威胁越来越被提上计事日程。
With the rapid economic development of urbanization, densely populated, traffic, environmental quality deterioration, ecological security threats are drawn more and more times.
17. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
17. 其中的六号汉墓出土木牍《集簿》证实了西汉上计用集簿既非会计账簿,也非“会计报告”;
The wooden " collecting book " used in upper project of west Han is neither accounting books nor " accounting report ".
18. 其中的六号汉墓出土木牍《集簿》证实了西汉上计用集簿既非会计账簿,也非“会计报告”;
The wooden " collecting book " used in upper project of west Han is neither accounting books nor " accounting report ".