

Don't borrow;
不借 双语例句

1. 不借什么意思

1. 商量到天大亮,问题全都得到了圆满解决,决定不借山里红和柿子,把这两项从单子上删掉。
    But towards daylight we got it all settled satisfactory, and concluded to drop crabapples and p'simmons.

2. 不借什么意思

2. 这是最后一次告诉你,我再也不借你钱了。
    I tell you once and for all, I am not going to lend you any money.

3. 抱怨语气:97、10、1 结合借钱、还钱场景,不借不还女生总是让他存,但是从来不借
    Spend money like water spend one`s entire bugdet go through a lot of money have money to burn money for raining days broke can`t make ends meet tight budger My name is not Rockfeller.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 当中国旗袍在**本、法国等地展销时,很受当地妇女人士欢迎,她们不借重金,争购旗袍,特别是黑丝绒夹金花、篓金花的高档旗袍,最为抢手。
    When Chinese cheongsams were exhibited for sales in countries like Japan and France, they received warm welcome from local women, who did not hesitate to buy Chinese cheongsams especially those top-notch ones made of black velour interlined with or carved with golden flowers.

5. 当中国旗袍在日本、法国等地展销时,很受当地妇女人士欢迎,她们不借重金,争购旗袍,特别是黑丝绒夹金花、篓金花的高档旗袍,最为抢手。
    When Chinese cheongsams were exhibited for sales in countries like Japan and France, they received warm welcome from local women, who did not hesitate to buy Chinese cheongsams especially those top-notch ones made of black velour interlined with or carved

6. 但是在晋室南渡之后,尽管维护士族利益和限制皇权的思想依然强烈,但却不断有士人出来提倡忠君,甚至为了皇权的振兴不借牺牲本家族的利益,从而使忠君观念呈现出有所加强的趋势。
    However, after the founding of Eastern Jin, the Confucian idea of loyalty was continually advocated by some scholar officials in spite of concurrent efforts to restrict imperial power.

7. 备用金借支人须在公务完毕后5个工作日内到财务部结清备用金,借支人必须按规定时限及时结清备用金,前款不清后款不借
    The borrower of standby money should pay the money after five working days back to the financial department.

8. 当教徒足够醒觉,她就可以不借外力达到出神的状态。
    Once the Cultist is enlightened enough, she can achieve her transcendent state without outside help.

9. 不借是什么意思

9. 我们决心不借任何代价去保卫这些巨大的胜利成果,那怕被迫打一场内战也罢,尽管我们并不需要战争。
    We believe all these achievements are so great that they must be safeguarded at all costs, even at the price of civil war, a war which we did not want, but which has been forced upon us.

10. 他对他的汽车爱惜有加,我看我们还是不借为好。
    He is particularly careful with his car; I do not think we should borrow it.

11. 不借的意思

11. 但是,让借款人放着还得起的贷款不借却非要借高息贷款的,正是这些经纪人。
      But it was often the brokers who steered borrowers away from affordable loans and toward the high-priced loans in the first place.

12. 不借的反义词

12. 在和我哥谈过之后,我决定不借高利贷了。
      Chang: I decided against borrowing money from him after talking to my brother about it.

13. 把所有的司法渠道都疏通一下,你随便花多少钱,我都在所不借
      Explore all the legal alleys, I don't care how much money you have to spend.

14. 你为什么不借我哥哥的鱼竿呢?他从来不用。
      Why don't you borrow my brother's fishing pole? He never uses it.

15. 更主要的,那是在她一生中独一无二的一次各别的孤立事件,因此她可以不借调动在平静的岁月中足够多年消耗的生命力去应付一时之需。
      It was, moreover, a separate and insulated event, to occur but once in her lifetime, and to meet which, therefore, reckless of economy, she might call up the vital strength that would have sufficed for many quiet years.

16. 不借的近义词

16. 有的人不借也不贷。
      Some people neither borrow nor lend.

17. 伯德伍德的样子像是因付钱而略显羞臊,但是,他准备不借一切阻止托伊把芭丝谢芭娶到手。
      'Boldwood's manner showed that he was a little ashamed of offering money, but he was prepared to do almost anything to prevent Troy marrying Bathsheba.

18. 我不借明天的太阳。
      I don't borrow from its sunshine.

19. 不借

19. 如果他们不借,那就别得罪他们了。
      If they say no, dont get offended.

20. 他的书没有哪个不借。他的书任何人都可以借。
      He doesn't lend his books to nobody.