

Feel helpless;
不可奈何 双语例句

1. 不可奈何的近义词

1. 环湖的浅青的山色含有神秘而不可说的美,我只觉无可奈何,同时也遗忘了一切。
    The green hills enfbhting it had amysterious beauty which overwhelmed me, making nle oblMous ofeverything else.

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2. 与胡雪岩同时代的晚清学者欧阳昱在《见闻琐录》中详细记录了这场商战的惨烈景象:其年新丝一出,胡即派人大量收购,无一漏脱,外商想买一斤一两而莫得,无可奈何。向胡说愿加利一千万两,如数转买此丝,胡非要一千二百万两不可。
    Late Qing scholar Ouyang Yu, a contenporary of Hu Xueyan, recorded in detail of the bitter spectacle of this business war in Trivial Stories: As soon as fresh silk came into season, Hu immediately sent men to buy in, none left for foreign merchants; Being utterly hopeless, foreign merchants told Hu that they would like to add 10 million tael to buy all the silk, but Hu sticked to 12 million tael, they refused.

3. 我要吟唱,奈何辞不成调,于是恸哭,不可阻挡。
    I would speak, but speech breaks not into song, and i cry out baffled.

4. 其实,人事的变更如季节的更替一样简单、自然,总有些不可抗拒的力量,让人离开、舍弃,叫人无可奈何却不得不面向前方。
    In fact, the personnel, such as the seasons change as simple and natural, there is always an irresistible force, people leave, abandon, as people do nothing but have to face the front.

5. 从这种认识论出发,他对待生活的态度是:一切顺应自然,安时而处顺,知其不可奈何而安之若命。
    Starting from this knowledge, he is the attitude towards life: all in harmony with nature, the Department Shun sometimes, not knowing if it is regrettable that the life of the security.

6. 知不可奈何,而安之若命,唯有德者能之。
    After punishment they forget it and face the future.

7. 黑暗常常导致人们的恐惧和害怕,因为黑暗代表了不确定和我们对黑暗的不可奈何
    The darkness tends to bring out fear in human beings because it represents the unknown and our lack of power over it.