

不在意[bù zài yì ]

词典pay no attention to置之不理…;毫不在乎…;不问;不在意。

词典take no notice of不注意,不理会,不采取应有的措施;不在意。



不在意 汉英大词典

不在意[bù zài yì]


(不在乎) pay no attention to; take no notice of; not to mind:


    I don't mind a bit (at all).

    别人背后议论, 他毫不在意

    He doesn't care at all what people say behind his back.

不在意 网络解释

1. pay no attention to:5. pay attention to 注意,关注 | 6. pay no attention to 不在意 | 7. phone sb 给...打电话

2. 不在意什么意思

2. yang wu:kexi--可爱、漂亮 | yangwu--不在意 | gexiong--踅摸,寻找

3. 不在意

3. don't mind:5. 无法忍受 can't stand | 6. 不在意 don't mind | 7. 认为 think of

4. yidelu:kodangoteojima明天一定会幸福 | yidelu不在意 | yibiaoloanikeqiu你说一切会结束

不在意 双语例句

1. 我给了她一个拥抱,不在意地亲了她一下——就像所有的父亲做的那样——然后开始打开她送给我的小包裹。
    I gave her a big hug and sloppy kiss – the kind that all daddies give -- and proceeded to unwrap the little package she had bestowed on me.

2. 我很在意不乌韦棉铃电影。
    I don't much care for Uwe Boll movies.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 她需要两张很贵的纸来画头和尾,但老师并不在意,因为她喜欢那张画,想把它贴到墙上去。
    She needed two pieces of expensive paper to do both ends but the teacher didn't mind because she was pleased with the drawing and wanted it on the wall.

4. 不在意

4. 终期到杭州,好难买到火车票,坐到杭州,后来知道清华的同学没赶上同一列火车,又被大雨阻在沪杭高速上……或许,没有别的人会在意这些小事件,就像我们不知道其他的旅客的目的地一样。
    When we arrived in Hangzhou, we heard that the students of Tsinghua University did not catch the same train, and as well stopped by heavy rain at the Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway…Perhaps, no one would pay attention to those trivial things, just like we would never know the destinations of other passengers on the train.

5. 欣赏音乐时,我们也可能并不在意妇女俱乐部的太太们是否嫌我们有无文化。
    Such-and-Such. There are those who can enjoy music without thinking how cultured the other ladies in their women`s club will be thinking them.

6. 不在意在线翻译

6. 你可能对象棋并不在意,长期以来,人们认为它是终极的智力活动。
    You may not care a whit about chess, long regarded as theultimate intellectual sport.

7. 我从来没有发言权说我希望我的队友是谁,我也并不真正在意他是谁。
    I have never been in a position to say who Iwant my teammate to be. I dont really care too much who it is.

8. 他并不很在意自己完成后的作品何去何从,至于有时不承认自己是画的作者,甚至于有时认不出自己曾画过的画。
    He didn`t much care what happened to his work afterwards, to the extent of sometimes disowning it, or even not recognising it.

9. 翻译的过程是一种寻求意义相符、风格和功能相似的过程[1],绝对的等值不存在,但译者应尽量使信息的损失降至最低,做到译文与原文在意义和功能上尽可能忠实。
    Intralingual meaning is concerned with every aspect of language, i. e.

10. 我完全不在意周围的一切喧嚣。
    I didn't care much about all the hoopla around it.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. 到时候能亲耳听到你们美妙的歌声,真的很兴奋~~我对猫不过敏,这个你不用在意~相反我很喜欢小动物,我自己也养了一只白色的萨摩耶~我在想你的小猫一定很可爱!
      It's very exciting to hear your wonderful songs at that time. I am not allergic to cat, so please dont't take it serious. In fact, I love small animal very much. I have a white Samoyed, and I guess your cat must be very lovely.

12. 不在意的解释

12. 但是有些人来不关心或不在意
      But some people don`t care about it.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 如果他们对你似乎不关心,也别太在意。
      If they seem uninterested, don`t take it personally.

14. 但是我真的不关心他是否在意一支中国乐队翻唱他的作品。
      But I really don't care if he'd mind a chinese band covering his songs.

15. 适合人类喝的水是越来越少了但是有些人却不关心或不在意
      The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.

16. 而对于自己是否能成为球队的绝对主力,他并不十分在意。我得到的上场机会并不那么多,这是实情。
      My thoughts are focused on training each day and learning from all the champions we have here.

17. Kasabian还有个叫变态轮子的乐队,他们算比较新的团其他的我也不感兴趣,其他的乐队无法打动我,你懂我意思么,不是说我讨厌他们,只是我根本不在意,你懂我意思么。
      Liam: Kasabian and a band called Twisted Wheel, they're kinda like new bands and the rest I'm not interested, they don't move me, do you know what I mean, that doesn't mean to say I hate them, it just not my thing, do you know what I mean?

18. danci.911chaxun.com

18. 我并不在意你说了什么,而是不满意你说话的那种方式。
      The couple was quarreling furiously about whose turn it was to cook the dinner.

19. 不在意的近义词

19. 看起来好像所有的事情都在变得平静,但是在我心里,感觉到有些事情已经改变。女朋友已经不再是我之前的女朋友了,她说她不喜欢那个北方女孩,因为她疾妒,疾妒我跟北方女孩谈论的任何事情。她说,我跟那北方女孩有如此多相似的地方。是啊,可能事情就是如此巧合,我们确实有很多相同的地方,特别是我们的家庭条件和成长环境。我觉得那正是我们有如此多共同话题的原因。我不明白,为什么我女朋友这么在意这个问题,难道就因为她是个女孩?
      It seams like everything become peace, but in my heart i feel something has changed. my girl is no longer who i met before, she said she felt so sad about the northern girl because she jealousy, jealousy whatever i talked with northern girl, she said i had so many things the same with that girl, yeah, maybe it is so coincidence, we have so many common things, especially we were borned in the same, family the same surrounding. i think that is why we always have so many thing to talk, i do not know why my girl so care about it, just bucause the northern girl is female?

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. 当你满不在意的离开我的世界。
      And when you're out there Without care