1. 同时,由于浮现不入的一众量名牌产物的矮知名度、矮阛阓撤离有率和矮成本,使一些自私自利和非法之不师逼上梁山,潮起制不不真、售不不真的不法营谋。
At the same time, due to the exposed a large number of brand-name products, high market share and high-margin, so that some greedy for profit and those responsible to take risks, started forging test、vehicle psendo illegal business.
2. 近几年在理论研究方面黄宝庆作了许多工作,尊重学习传统,但并不醉心于传统的满足,师心不师迹。
In recent years, Huang Baoqing has done a lot in theoretical research. He learns the tradition with respect, but without indulging in it with satisfactim.
3. 不师什么意思
3. 否法之不师堵住创作发明多量的不真字号、不真酒瓶、不真酒瓶关、不真酒盒、不真酒箱等不真的酒包装举行创作发明不真酒的勾当,也堵住以不美酒充优质酒、以产业酒精兑火的办法创作发明不真酒,还堵住各式各样的渠道不兵创作发明的不真酒采购失。
A large number of those involved in fraud through manufacturing fake trademark, fake bottle, fake, fake bottle wine boxes, counterfeits case psendo wine packaging to adulterated liquor activities and sufficient standing in eye to high-quality wine, water for industrial alcohol adulterated liquor of method, as well as by a wide range of channels will be made in the sale of counterfeits.
4. 石涛画论中说师古人之心,,师其意而不师其迹古代人学习要学习老师的意识,而不能一味的仿照前人的作品。
Painting of Shi Tao, said " the heart of ancient division, " " division of its meaning without division of its track " to learn to learn the ancient awareness of the teacher, not blindly to follow previous work.
5. 如果包装不拔取出格的安排,达不到喝酒时爱护包装的纲的,那么不满的酒瓶和瓶关被否法之不师发放此后不离不定被用来造不真。
If the wrapper does not take special design, fail to achieve an alcohol damage the purpose of packaging, then empty wine bottles and bottle tops was suppressed as a recovery after it could be used to make the fake.
6. 不师的翻译
6. 石涛画论中说师古人之心,,师其意而不师其迹古代人学习要学习老师的意识,而不能一味的仿照前人的作品。
Painting of Shi Tao, said " the heart of ancient division," " division of its meaning without division of its track " to learn to learn the ancient awareness of the teacher, not blindly to follow previous work.