

不得善终[bù dé shàn zhōng]


词典impossible to acquire a peaceful end不得善终。

不得善终 汉英大词典

不得善终[bù dé shàn zhōng]

impossible to acquire a peaceful end

不得善终 双语例句

1. 他从来没有公正地对待人,他不得善终的原因就在于此。
    He never played straight with anyone. That's why he came to a sticky end.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 他从来没有公正地对待人,他不得善终的原因就在于此。
    He never played straight with anyone. that's why he came to a sticky end.

3. 当然,这个邪恶的巫婆最后不得善终
    Of course, in the end, the wicked witch does get killed.

4. 虽然小白是条好狗,但是它却不得善终
    Although white is a good dog, but it's not ending.

5. 查理是个注定不得善终的人。
    Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.

6. 如今,整个人类社会都已经深陷在迷惘之中,如果我跟著他们走,肯定不得善终
    If carefully scan the current society and people will find that it actually is in confusion yet.

7. 我们彼此敌视》是个悲哀的故事,不得善终
    Many people say my story is too sad. Yes, that is true.