1. 刘爸爸说到儿子童年顽皮时的情景,依然记忆犹新,那时候我们家还住在铁道旁边,有一次刘翔一个人爬到一道两米多高的围墙上,在上面又跳又蹦,我看见吓坏了,又不敢叫他,怕他发现我之后直接从墙上跳下来,于是我就骗他说爸爸不怪你,就这样把他哄了下来。
At that time we lived by the railroad. I once found him climbing to the top of a wall over two meters high. There he jumped and skipped happily. Though frightened, I dared not startle him in case he would jump off the wall at the sight of me. I pretended that I would not scold him and coaxed him off the wall.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 算了,那就别翻译这个了,帮我写一篇关于第一次坐过山车的作文,字数在300字左右。谢谢了额,你们可别误会,,这是我弟弟的作业,是他太懒,不怪我,,回答满意我会追加积分的人都到哪去了?帮我一下,我没时间了,还没吃饭对,对,就楼下内哥们回答的就行,可是字数再多一点就行别,别,别,您再多写点,,我看见那不够放,,再写点积分就给你了,帮帮我,先谢谢了这是我第一次觉得有点rided和acared和excited.i感到兴奋,因为它是最最高的游戏all.when我看到排队的人有游戏机,我觉得好奇too.because我想尝试fun.as我知道,到目前为止,这些谁想要尝试的青少年和20月底的。正如我在过去所在地的巨型过山车我的膝盖软了一样jelly.but在我的脑海,我必须克服我国fear.as的引擎轰鸣声,这是表明游戏机即将start.the车轮。。。
It was my first rided and felt somewhat acared and excited. i felt excited because it was the most highest games of all. when i saw the people queueing to have a ride, i felt curious too. because i want to try the fun. as i know so far, those who want to try are teenagers and late 20's. as i took the last seat of the giant roller coaster my knees went soft like jelly. but in my mind, i must overcome my fear. as the engine roar, that is the sign that the rides is about to start. the wheels slowly and gentaly againt the rails, then suddenly, it sunk and made people screamed. then it went up and down made people turned upside-down too. i can not heard my voice at all, it might because everybody is screaming. in a word, i found it is exciting to take rooler coaster, and i will try one more time if i got the chance, because i really enjoy the screaming.
3. 现在,大城市里的单身贵族遍地都是,人们已见怪不怪了。
From a character in a Beijing Opera play: a man who turns his favor from his lawful wife to a new lover.
4. 很多白客以前都曾经充当过黑客,这是大家都见怪不怪的事实。
It`s not unusual that some of the online security guards are former hackers.
5. 不怪的解释
5. 我不怪你,我也不会让halie听这首歌的
I don't blame you, i wouldn't let hailie listen to me neither
6. 不怪的反义词
6. 我掉入爱河了。。是不怪我自己的。。。
It's not my fault I fell in love.
7. 如果是这样的话,我就不怪你了。
In this case, I won't blame you any more.
8. 但有趣的是:泡的虽是地地道道的中国名茶,却一律使用洋杯盛茶,以手勾杯耳饮之;大家都见怪不怪,殊不知我们祖先是以双手捧着重拙的茶碗啜饮的。
But the interesting thing is: although the foam out of the Chinese tea, they all use of Sheng Yang cup of tea to drink in hand on the ear cup hooks; we all got used to our ancestors never dreamed that his hands are heavy and hence holding the teacup sip of.
9. 所以,不怪研究人员说,他们发现并发布信息的错误-他们实际上做人情对我们的社会。
So, don't blame researchers that they find and publish information about bugs — they actually do a favor to our society.
10. 史卡利:我不怪你,我敢说你一定是经过一番折磨。
SCULLY: I don't blame you. You've been through the wringer, I'd say.
11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
11. 我知道你还爱着他,我不怪你!
I know you still love him, but I won't blame you!
12. 是真的,我不怪你。
And I won't blame you.
13. 911查询·英语单词
13. 我最近几天写了三篇软文,被站长骂是垃圾中的站斗机,我不怪这位站长,我只能说在他的概念里,是对的。
I wrote 3 soft article these days, the station in be being scolded to be rubbish by stationmaster is fought machine, I do not blame this stationmaster, I can say to be in his concept only, it is right.
14. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
14. 说和你同龄的,小孩都会打酱油了,你现在连老婆都还没有。我知道妈妈的心事,年纪大了,想抱孙子了。我不怪她。我希望通过世纪佳缘网,能够找到我的另一半。
Said the same age, and your children will play soy sauce, and you now have not even my wife and I know that her mother's mind, older, to the Baosunzi I do not blame her and I hope that through the century, and a network, I can find the other half.
15. 但因为我爱你,我不怪你。
But because I love you, I forgave you.
16. 不怪什么意思
16. 好吧,那就啥都不怪她,行了吧
Okay, let's not blame her for anything, fine.
17. 瑞安 的事我不怪你好吗
Look, I don't bIame you for what happened to Ryan, okay?
18. 我们对英语见怪不怪了,但当我们考虑其自相矛盾之处时,我们发现quicksand可能流动的并不快,boxing rings不是圆的却是方的,在public bathrooms里并无浴室。
We take English for granted. But when we explore its paradoxes, we find that quick sand can work very slowly, boxing rings are square, public bathrooms have no baths in them.
19. 后来又回想起这件事时我也不怪他,不过当时瞧见他穿着长袍、头上扣着一顶小瓜皮帽的滑稽相,我禁不住哈哈大笑。
He must have been sore as hell. Later, thinking back on it, I couldn't blame him for it. But at that moment, seeing him with his long skirts and the little skull cap on his cranium, he looked so ridiculous that I burst out laughing.
20. 一个穿着长袍广袖的人在繁华的闹市游走;一群着各式各样的古装的男女在公园聚会;孔庙前,有人峨冠广服施祭……作为中国传统服装,现在只在只能在戏曲、古画、电视、电影中出现的服饰,在现实场景里看到,即使在今时今日见多不怪的时代,也许还是会让你觉得错愕,或觉惊艳,或觉怪诞。
If you were to see people dressed this way in real life, even today where any kind of clothing seems to go, you might well be surprised, perhaps impressed or maybe think it strange.