

不敢问津[bù gǎn wèn jīn]


词典be beyond the means of ...不敢问津。


词典dare not ask the way to the ford不敢问津。

词典dare not show any interest in不敢问津。

词典not dare to inquire不敢问津。

不敢问津 汉英大词典

不敢问津[bù gǎn wèn jīn]

be beyond the means of ...; dare not ask the way to the ford; dare not show any interest in; not dare to inquire (as about the price of expensive goods)

不敢问津 双语例句

1. 肉,我是不敢问津的。
    Meat, I dared not to contact.

2. 不敢问津

2. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津
    The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive.

3. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津
    The cost of travelling to the Far East is prohibitive.

4. 是'。''不敢问津的,但很''。
    Is'.''rather highly priced''.

5. 该书的定价很高,一般人是不敢问津的,但很值得一读。
    The book is rather highly priced for the average pocket, but so well worth reading that it should

6. 不敢问津的反义词

6. 一直到现在,这些设备含有铂,广泛的使用,昂贵得让人不敢问津
    Until now, these devices contained platinum making widespread use of them prohibitively expensive.

7. 遗憾我们不能接受你方报盘,你方价格过高不敢问津
    Unfortunately we cannot accept your offer. Your prices are prohibitive.

8. 不敢问津

8. 整个都市中心显出一种财大气粗,高不可攀的气势,为的是让那些普通的求职者望而生畏,不敢问津,也为的是让贫富之间的鸿沟显得又宽又深。到中国译典经典版本中查找关于overawe的最新解释和例句。。。。
    The entire metropolitan centre possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant, and to make the gulf between poverty and success seem both wide and deep.

9. 他居然一个赛季要价15万英镑,真让人不敢问津
    At £ 150, 000 for a season, he really is pricing himself out of the market.

10. 不敢问津的翻译

10. 费用高得使人不敢问津
    The expense is prohibitive.

11. 他就此事打了数次电话给我,而且发现运一匹成年母马到美国的成本高得令人不敢问津
      He'd made some calls and found the cost of shipping a mare to the States was prohibitive.

12. 许多低收入家庭对教育经费不敢问津
      The cost of education becomes prohibitive to lower-income families.

13. 不敢问津

13. 但是,它们的尺寸和功率使用使得较小飞机的制造商不敢问津
      However, their size and power usage makes them a turn off for smaller plane manufacturers.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. 价格高的令人不敢问津
      The price was prohibitive.

15. 重新研制此产品的成本高得使人不敢问津
      The cost of redeveloping the product is prohibitive.

16. 多数人不敢问津高档娱乐场所。
      Most people can't afford to go to the expensive entertainment places.

17. 不敢问津

17. 对小型配置来说,这样做很好;对更大型的配置来说,再添置大量昂贵硬件的成本可能会高得令人不敢问津
      This works well for small configurations; for larger configurations, the cost of duplicating a large amount of expensive hardware can be prohibitive.

18. 不敢问津

18. 价格高得令人不敢问津
      The price is prohiBitive

19. 不敢问津的解释

19. 因为大房子价钱过高不敢问津,或者原有住房难以出手,越来越多的家庭只好将就。
      Growing families are getting priced out bigger homes, or are having trouble selling their existing places, so they're making do.

20. 但无论如何,这种不懂得尊重男友的女人,男人们恐怕是不敢问津的。
      The answer is still uncertain but in no case this kind of woman who doesn't respect her bf could stir any interest of a man.