

不知轻重[bù zhī qīng zhòng]

词典have no appreciation of a thing's importance不知轻重。

不知轻重 汉英大词典

不知轻重[bù zhī qīng zhòng]

have no appreciation of a thing's importance

不知轻重 双语例句

1. 但如果你有一个基因,使你容易与前列腺癌,你的饮食习惯可以不知轻重
    But if you have a gene that makes you susceptible to prostate cancer, your diet can tip the balance.

2. 不知轻重

2. 说我们是80后可是80后的很多东西我们没有听说过,说我们是90后我们却没有那么不知轻重,没有那么非主流
    Many of these locations have been searched and no evidence of any explosives were found.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 这个人说话不知轻重
    That man doesn't know the proper way to talk.

4. 爸爸,你生我育我,我能到今天,离不开您的支持,可我有时说话不知轻重,冒犯了您,请您别放在心上,今天是父亲节,祝您节日快乐!
    Dad, you Health and Fertility I, I, I can today, can not do without your support, sometimes I do not know what the right offend you, you do not mind, today is Father's Day, I wish you happy holidays!

5. 有时候这意味着我们的规划更灵活、不知轻重,但是当他们出现在我们的时间表,我们可以帮助他们,而不是一个固定的时间表,并设法适应越来越进来
    Sometimes this means being more flexible in our planning, and knowing what our priorities are, but making them happen when we can fit them into our schedules rather than having a fixed schedule and trying to fit more and more in.

6. 因此,我担心颜回这回会不知轻重,从而惹来杀身之祸。
    Hence, I am afraid that Yan Yuan is too naive to handle the complicated situations and may be killed for his inexperience.

7. 愤怒的动物保护者认为,猩猩们下手不知轻重,可能会给对方造成致命伤害。
    Furious campaigners argue the orangutans could be badly hurt, as they don't know how to save their strength.