

Not Henan;
不豫 双语例句

1. 同情是难得的,就是错误的同情也是无妨,所以我就让她老是这样可怜着我的仆仆风尘罢;并且有时我有什么逆意的事情,脸上露出不豫的颜色,可以借路中的辛苦来遮掩,免得她一再追究,最后说出真话,使她凭添了无数的愁绪。
    Anyway I cherish her sympathy, be it right or not.

2. 不豫的翻译

2. 可是子路在旁边都看在眼里,心里对项橐也不很满意,孔子毕竟还是有学问,看出子路的面色不豫,马上出言教导子路,说`三人行,必有我师焉`,于是乎孔子既在弟子面前保存了面子,又留下了谦虚不耻下问的美名。
    But in the next Zi Lu see in the eyes, the heart of marriage is not satisfactory, Confucius, after all, or are there learning, not looking to see Zi Lu Yu, a statement immediately teach Zi Lu, saying'three walk will be a division upon even when I', so between disciples of Confucius in the face of not only the preservation of the face, leaving a modest Buchixiawen the fine.