且听下回分解[qiě tīng xià huí fēn jiě]
词典be analysed and explained below [farther down]
词典no such effort will be made for the present:且听下回分解。
且听下回分解[qiě tīng xià huí fēn jiě]
be analysed and explained below [farther down]; no such effort will be made for the present
1. 我们将在游戏中给你更多的控制权,但具体怎样吗,呵呵,且听下回分解
We're giving you more control over the game than that, but as to how -that's for another day.
2. 且听下回分解什么意思
2. 可是,上述只是全球风况的大面,局部地理环境可能会对当地的风形成非常大的影响,且听下回分解。
Local geography, however, may influence the general results in the table above, cf. the following pages.
3. 可敬的叔叔,我宁愿认识您而对法文一窍不通……全本小说中英文对照喔,配有精美插图,且听下回分解。
My admirable Daddy, I would rather know you and not be able to speak a word of French at all...
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. 这里面的appreciate的用法乍一看上去颇为费解,一查词典才豁然开朗。。。。。。欲知如何理解,且听下回分解。希望和我一样对appreciate有不明理解的朋友也先查查词典,看和我的理解是否一样。
We do appreciate that the information readily available is limited, but on the basis of what we have seen to date we are convinced that the volumes/grades mentioned constitute a minimal scenario.
5. 且听下回分解
5. 毕竟不知此去吉凶如何,且听下回分解。(《西游记》)
We do not know whether good or ill will befall him after he leaves, and you must listen to the explanation in the next chapter.
6. 911查询·英语单词
6. 欲知后事如何,且听下回分解。
But as to what happened thereafter, that will be disclosed in the ensuing chapter.
7. 且听下回分解。
Read [Listen to] next chapter for disclosure (of developments of a story).
8. 且听下回分解的反义词
8. 且听下回分解。
Read [ Listen to ] next chapter for disclosure (of developments of a story).