



词典relatives for generations世亲。

世亲 网络解释

1. Vasubandhu:接着中观学派与起的大乘思想,就是无着(Asamga)世亲(Vasubandhu) 一系的唯识学派. 在唯识产生的背景来说,它原是和中观学派对立的,由于思想的背景兴起于对立的形势,因此,它的主旨要点,显然的,也就成了对立的一面了.

世亲 双语例句

1. 世亲:我相信文鲜明牧师即是真父母和弥赛亚,文牧师向人类揭示了统一原理。
    Se Chin (who helped expand the power of Mahayana Buddhism): I believe that Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who revealed the Unification Principle on the earth, is the True Parent and Messiah.

2. 世亲去后,过了三年才回来。
    Vasubhandu, however, did return three years after his death.

3. 世亲什么意思

3. 大乘有宗的创始人是无著和世亲
    The founders of the Mahayana You Sect were Wuzhu and Shiqin.

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4. 大乘僧侣或居士有时也被尊称为菩萨,比如印度大乘佛教学者龙树、世亲等也被称为菩萨。
    For example, Nagarjuna and Vasubandhu, two great scholars of Indian Mahayana also are called Bodhisattvas.

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5. 无著和世亲大约在释迦牟尼逝世一千年后完成了大乘有宗法相之学的建立。
    Wuzhu and Shiqin finished the foundation of the Mahayana You sect`s faxiang study after Sakyamuni`s death had passed one thousand years also.

6. 世亲

6. 另一项重要的大乘学校发生在4世纪时,专案兄弟asanga和世亲谋求建立中庸之道vijnanavada -心灵单独存在,而且对象都没有现实的外部给它。
    Another important Mahayana school arose in the 4th century AD when the brothers Asanga and Vasubandhu sought to establish the doctrine of Vijnanavada - that the mind alone exists and that objects have no reality external to it.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 他的两侧是两位助手:无着和他的兄弟世亲
    He is flanked by his two acolytes, asanga and his brother, vasubandhu.

8. 世亲说:「他生天经过兜率外院,还没有到内院去,就被五欲所缠,到现在还没有见到弥勒哩!
    As he passed by the Outer Court of Tushita, he was caught and bound by the five desires before entering the Inner Court.