

Dong Jin;
东津 网络解释

1. DKB:兴福 XEB 2002 | 东津 DKB 2004 | 石尹 OYB 2006

东津 双语例句

1. 东津

1. 自周秦汉唐以来,灞桥一直作为古帝都长安的京畿重镇,东津要道、军事重地,境内有半坡遗址、隋灞桥遗址、汉文帝霸陵等多处文化遗存和名胜古迹。
    Since the Zhou-Qin Han Tang has served as the ancient empire Baqiao Chang'an city, Gyeonggi Province, Eastern Jin arteries, military areas, territory Banpo site, Sui Baqiao sites, such as the Han Emperor Baling many cultural relics and cultural sites.

2. 公司介绍:宁国市东津耐磨材料有限公司位于中国耐磨材料之都宁国市。
    Ningguo wear-resistant Material Co., Ltd. is located in the East Jin wear-resistant materials are Ningguo China.