

东跑西颠[dōnɡ pǎo xī diān]



东跑西颠 网络解释

1. rush around:12 over time 时间一长 | 13 东跑西颠 rush around | 14 Don't sweat a loss 别担心输球

东跑西颠 双语例句

1. 特别是在温特布恩,有许多与罗琳及黛依年龄相仿的孩子,她们一到那里,就被拉进了当地孩子们的非正式的小帮伙,在小镇的街道上东跑西颠,玩各种游戏。
    Winterbourne, in particular, had a lot of children Joanne and Di's age; they were immediately welcomed into the informal gang that would play games up and down the streets of the town.

2. 这些年我经常东跑西颠的,而没有安分的住在某个地方。
    I was flying about from one place to another these few years and never settled at one place.

3. 他们东跑西颠地这么多天就是为了给您买螃蟹,还想上别的城市里去碰呢。
    It took them days running every where to get crabs for you and they even thought of trying another city.

4. 不要东跑西颠的。
    Don't run around!

5. 这里头最高兴的要算另外那头狮子了,它一直东跑西颠装做忙忙碌碌的样子,其实是为了对它见到的每一个人说,你听见它说什么了吗?
    The most pleased of the lot was the other lion who kept running about everywhere pretending to be very busy but really in order to say to everyone he met. Did you hear what he said?

6. 东跑西颠

6. 我常空着肚子在大街上东跑西颠,有时也去拜访素不相识的人,例如德洛姆夫人。
    Dancing the streets on an empty belly and now and then calling on strange people Madame Delorme, for instance.

7. 我认识一个专门搞外包的,也没有注册公司,整天夹着包儿东跑西颠的,好像是雇了一个专门数钱的。
    As you said "Story is king", if I were you, I would get touch with people like Yang Hong-Ying, or Mei Zi-han.

8. 他们急急忙忙地东跑西颠,下去取被褥、上来取木柴。正忙做一团时,来了两个人,不是别人,正是约翰和迈克尔。
    They skurried this way and that, down for bedding, up for firewood, and while they were at it, who should appear but John and Michael.

9. 东跑西颠

9. 与其东跑西颠地找寻完美礼物,不如花半个下午时间在电脑上设计一张漂亮的免费家庭晚宴欠条。
    Instead of running around trying to find the perfect present for your paramour, take half of an afternoon to design a pretty I. O. U. certificate on your computer for one free home-cooked meal.

10. 她是一个冷酷的女人,一个人在亚特兰大东跑西颠
    She's a mighty cold woman, prancing about Atlanta by herself.

11. 与其东跑西颠地找寻完美礼物,不如花半个下午时间在电脑上设计一张漂亮的免费家庭晚宴欠条。
      Instead of running around trying to find the perfect present for your paramour, take half of an afternoon to design a pretty I.O.U. certificate on your computer for one free home-cooked meal.