

丝衣 双语例句

1. 丝衣

1. 她穿着丝衣。不适合
    She attired herself in silk.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Aravel有一个很独特的外表,优美的曲线,装饰着在风中飘舞的宽大的斗篷和光鲜的丝衣,通常作为某一个贵族家族标记与旗帜,在他们住处的上方飞舞。
    The aravel are a unique sight, beautiful in their swooping curvature, and adorned with broad hoods and bright silken cloths that flap in the wind, often d. playing the noble banners that once flew over that family`s house.

3. 丝衣的翻译

3. Aravel有一个很独特的外表,优美的曲线,装饰着在风中飘舞的宽大的斗篷和光鲜的丝衣,通常作为某一个贵族家族标记与旗帜,在他们住处的上方飞舞。
    The aravel are a unique sight, beautiful in their swooping curvature, and adorned with broad hoods and bright silken cloths that flap in the wind, often displaying the noble banners that once flew over that family's house.

4. 丝衣

4. 在这里你找不到流行的leggings,你也看不到消瘦苍白的模特,一个个皮肤黝黑、棱角分明的男模穿着灰色的西服在我们面前,而搭配西服的居然是好像女士内衣的敞胸V领丝衣,或者千疮百孔的大衣、衬衫甚至鞋子。
    Here you will find the popular leggings, you can not see the pale thin models, one by one with dark complexion, angular male model wearing a gray suit in front of us, but with a suit is actually a spacious like lingerie chest V collar silk clothing, or riddled with coats, shirts and even shoes.

5. 草儿们在夕阳下渐渐变暗、变淡,向无言袭来的暮色过渡着,草儿的气息,泥土的芳香在空气里酝酿着,和着暮色,宛若织成的一件无缝的夜的丝衣—也许只的那天边的织女才能织出变柔柔的质感吧!
    In gradually darken under the sun, 变淡to hit the twilight transition words, and atmosphere, soil aromatic brewing in the air, and the sky, as if woven into a seamless silk night clothes - perhaps only the day side of the Weaver Girl can change the texture of the texture it!

6. 丝衣的近义词

6. 丝衣很好销。
    They sold like hot cakes!