

丢车保帅[diū jū bǎo shuài]

词典sacrifice the knights in order to save the queen (in chess) -- make minor sacrifices to safeguard major interests

词典give up a rook to save the king弃车保帅;丢车保帅。

丢车保帅 汉英大词典

丢车保帅[diū jū bǎo shuài]

sacrifice the knights in order to save the queen (in chess) -- make minor sacrifices to safeguard major interests; give up a rook to save the king

丢车保帅 网络解释

1. give up a pawn to save a chariot; sacrifice something minor to save something major:定心丸 mind relief | 丢车保帅 give up a pawn to save a chariot; sacrifice something minor to save something major | 第一产业 primary industry

2. Den Bauer opfern ,um den Turm zu decken:In alle Winde zerstreuen分道扬镳 | Den Bauer opfern ,um den Turm zu decken丢车保帅 | Sich den Kopf zerbrechen绞尽脑汁

3. 丢车保帅的近义词

3. Better lose the saddle than the horse:时势造英雄:A hero is known in the time of misfortune. | 丢车保帅:Better lose the saddle than the horse. | 精诚所至,金石为开:Faith will move mountains.