个中人[gè zhōng rén]
a person in the know (指曾亲身经历或深明其中情理的人)
1. 韩学愈得到鸿渐停聘的消息,拉了白俄太太在家里跳跃得像青蛙和虼蚤,从此他的隐事不会被个中人揭破了。
When Han Hseh-y heard that Hung-chien's contract was not to be renewed, he grabbed his White Russian wife and they hopped around the house like a frog and a flea.
2. 韩学愈得到鸿渐停聘的消息,拉了白俄太太在家里跳跃得像青蛙和虼蚤,从此他的隐事不会被个中人揭破了。
When Han Hsǚeh-yǚ heard that Hung-chien's contract was not to be renewed, he grabbed his White Russian wife and they hopped around the house like a frog and a flea.