




丫环 双语例句

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1. 他们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,但是没几天,他们的丫环又活泼泼的了,她是那个流行病中唯一康复的人。
    They couldn't believe their eyes, but within days, their maid was up and around again, one of the only persons to recover from the epidemic.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 闵春晓也很丑,在我的观点里,她甚至不配演园子里的一个丫环。kaodan也很糟糕。。。
    Min ChunXiao is also ugly, evenmore I think she is not worthy to act as maidservant in the garden. Kao Dan is also bad...

3. 丫环的意思

3. 小厮和丫环们也发表意见,说他们也很满意--这种评语是不很简单的,因为他们是最不容易得到满足的一些人物。
    And the footmen and chamber maids also expressed their satisfaction, which is saying a great deal, for they are very difficult to please.

4. 于是,就和丫环回去报告了自己的父母。
    So, she went back into the house and told his parents.

5. 丫环的反义词

5. 为了 达到这个目的,他买通了伊摩琴身边的一些丫环
    For this purpose he bribed some of Imogen's attend s.

6. 奇怪的是,丫环一点也不怕。
    Then it crawled onto her bed, but for some reason, the maid wasn't frightened.

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7. B 你的丫环生病了吗?
    Is your maidservant catch a illness?

8. 丫环是什么意思

8. 为了达到这个目的,他买通了伊摩琴身边的一些丫环
    For this purpose he bribed some of imogen's attendants.

9. 丫环

9. 那天,丫环感觉到有什么东西从池塘里爬出来,那东西粘乎乎、漉漉的,还沾着泥巴。
    That night, the maid sensed something crawling out of the pond, something slimy, wet, and muddy.

10. 丫环的解释

10. 午夜的时候,程家人看到被丫环放走的那只大乌龟爬到房间里,把泥涂到丫环身上。
    At midnight, the Chengs saw that big turtle the maid had let go crawl back into the room and smear mud all over the maid.

11. 丫环

11. 鲁北的北县有个地主婆,强迫一个佃农咬一个丫环的小脚,供她取乐。
      In Peihsien County in northern Shantung I found a landlord's wife who derived pleasure out of forcing her husband's tenant to bite the bound feet of her maid servant.