1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全
1. 企业在市场经济的大潮中适天时、取地利、顺人和、异军突起、蒸蒸日上,自1997年以来产值利税等各项指标均以不同幅度的递增,产品畅销全国近30个省市,并出口到东南亚各国。
Enterprises in the market trend of an economic climate, from geography, and Shun, Yijuntuqi and prosperous, since 1997 the output value of profits and taxes, and other indicators are different from the rate of increase, the best-selling product of the nearly 30 provinces and cities and exported to Southeast Asian countries.
2. 中适的翻译
2. 此文讨论了船检所规定的船舶的航区和87、97船员考证规则中适任证书标明的航区的不同含义。
The article discusses the discrepancy in the meaning of navigation area of ships regulated by the Ship Inspection Bureau and specified in the qualification certificate for ship's crew in year 87 and 97.
3. 中适的反义词
3. 由此造成的直接后果是实践操作中适法的不一和混乱,从而危及诉讼过程和结果的公正。
From this creates the direct consequence is practices in the operation to conform to the spirit of a law not one and chaotic, thus endangers the lawsuit process and result fair seriously.
4. 中适的反义词
4. 中适的文学思想与诗文成就
Ye Shi's Literary Ideology and Achievements in Poems and Essays