1. 临刑前的一句话让人们屈之若惊奔向大海。
Before execution a few words let the people bend, if startled rushes toward the sea.
2. 随着临刑时间的接近,萨达姆被允许会见了他两位同母异父的兄弟。据说他将自己的个人财产以及一份遗嘱咐托给他的兄弟。
As the execution hour approached, Saddam was allowed to visit with 2 half brothers and reportedly gave them his personal belongings and a copy of his will.
3. 911查询·英语单词
3. 我们可以在苏格拉底临刑前守在他身边,听他和一伙朋友谈话;也可以对斯多葛派伊匹克悌忒斯的《金玉良言》思考怀疑。
We can stay by the side of Socrates at his execution and listen to him talking to his friend, or harbor doubt as we ponder the truth of Discourse by Epictetus, a Stoic Philosopher.
4. Com 是用政府的钱来买那些动物的吧,就叮嘱监斩官们仔细观察王临刑时的言行。
He told the officials at the execution to observe Wang's words deeds very carefully.
5. 他叮嘱监斩官们仔细观察王临刑的言行。
He told the officials at the execution to observe Wang's words and deeds very carefully.
6. 911查询·英语单词
6. 他猜王也许是用政府的钱来买那些动物的吧,就叮嘱监斩官们仔细观察王临刑时的言行。
Maybe he bought the animals with government money?
7. 按照习惯,我问她临刑前有什么要求。
According to the convention, I asked her what she requested to do before the execution.
8. 他曾嘲笑过那些临刑前还在念念有词地做着祷告的人。
He had laughed at those who died with prayers on their lips.
9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
9. 太晚了,我的临刑时刻来临
Too late, my time has come
10. 临刑什么意思
10. 临刑那天,我给她留了张小纸条,对她的友谊和忠诚表示谢意。
On the day I was to die, I left my friend a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty.
11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
11. 罗杰,他在临刑前的一句话让人们趋之若鹜奔向大海。
Roger, in his pre-sentence before execution so that people are flocking towards the sea.
12. 到了临刑的时候他如果像现在这样心烦意乱,他们真的非得拖着他上电椅不可。
If he were as confused as this when his time came, they really would have to drag him to the chair
13. 临刑的意思
13. 死囚临刑前住的监房。
The part of a prison where those condemned to death await execution.
14. 临刑的意思
14. 当一个犯人即将临刑前总会做些无谓的事情
When a prisoner gets close to the end of his time on death row, there's a lot of last-minute.
15. 他们是初犯,故应处缓刑。那囚犯在临刑前获得了缓刑。
They should be probated for first offences. The prisoner won a last-minute reprieve.
16. 根据这项协议,如果汇丰在那段时间内再有不法行为,它可能会面临刑事定罪,并有可能失去其关键的美国银行业牌照。
The agreement puts it at risk of a criminal conviction and potential loss of its crucial US banking licence if it commits another crime in that period.
17. 临刑前圣瓦伦丁给姑娘写了封信,表明了对姑娘的深情。
Former Shengwalunding has written message for girl just before execution, deep love having indicated to the girl.
18. 临刑
18. 在我看来,互联网服务提供商提供的电子邮件服务和许多公司依然倚赖的电子邮件客户端,不过是即将临刑的死囚。
For me, the e-mail offerings of Internet service providers and the e-mail clients that many companies still rely on are the dead men walking.
19. 他猜王也许是用政府的钱来买那些动物的吧,就叮嘱监斩官们仔细观察王临刑时的言行。
Maybe he bought the animals with government money? He told the officials at the execution to observe Wang's words and deeds very carefully.
20. 我不禁想到了死囚临刑前人们也会这么问,当然,科佩尔并没有联想到这个。
Although he did not mean it this way, I couldn't help but think of a condemned man being asked for his final words.