为民请命[wèi mín qǐng mìng]
词典plead for the people:为民请命。
词典plead for the life of the people:为民请命。
词典plead in the name of the people:为民请命。
为民请命[wèi mín qǐng mìng]
plead for the people; plead for the life of the people; plead in the name of the people
1. 女子:王大人,这不是怯懦,那些人不会就此罢休的,如果朝廷中的好官真的都死光了,还有谁来为民请命?
If there was really no good officer left in the imperial government, who would appeal for the people?
2. 为民请命
2. 好一副为民请命的义正词严,真让我感动。
Big Brother IRS man, let's try something different; take my pound of flesh and sleep well.
3. 比起前期来,他消极多了,但他毕竟是一个曾经有所作为的、积极为民请命的诗人,此时的一些诗,仍然流露了他忧国忧民之心。
Compared to previous years, he more than negative, but he had something, after all, is a positive the people of the poet, this time a number of poems, still show his care for the heart.
4. 竞选活动也得到了一些不是那么年青的群众的支持,他们冒着严寒和酷暑,挨家挨户地拜访完全不认识的陌生人,从志愿参与、组织活动的亿万名美国人身上,我们可以看到,建国200多年后美国仍是一个由人民组成的,得到人民支持的,为民请命的政府。
It drew strength from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect strangers, and from the millions of Americans who volunteered and organized and proved that more than two centuries later a government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not perished from the Earth.