1. 主薄
1. 清钦天监衙署廨舍情况则鲜见于史,笔者在查阅清档时,见到乾隆年间工部维修钦天监衙署的奏销黄册,知清钦天监衙署廨舍一百一十间,其中既有处理日常事务的协政堂、主薄厅、五官厅、宪书房、司书厅、时宪科、天文科、漏刻科;也有收贮书板的板库;还有祭祀供神的斋戒房、土地庙等。据此笔者弄清了清钦天监的衙署形制、廨宇规模。
In addition, according to Qing Dynasty Gongbu archives, the author clarifies the construction of the Qintianjian yashu which possessed one hundred and ten rooms, including the 协政堂 xiezhengtang, 主薄厅 zhuboting, 五官厅 wuguanting, 宪书房 xianshufang, 司书厅 sishufang, 时宪科 shixianke, 天文科 tianwenke, 漏刻科 loukeke for routine, 板库; banku for storing the book boards and 斋戒房 zhaijiefang, 土地庙 tudimiao, etc., for sacrifice and enshrinement.
2. 主薄的解释
2. 清钦天监衙署廨舍情况则鲜见于史,笔者在查阅清档时,见到乾隆年间工部维修钦天监衙署的奏销黄册,知清钦天监衙署廨舍一百一十间,其中既有处理日常事务的协政堂、主薄厅、五官厅、宪书房、司书厅、时宪科、天文科、漏刻科;也有收贮书板的板库;还有祭祀供神的斋戒房、土地庙等。据此笔者弄清了清钦天监的衙署形制、廨宇规模。
In addition, according to Qing Dynasty Gongbu archives, the author clarifies the construction of the Qintianjian yashu which possessed one hundred and ten rooms, including the 协政堂 xiezhengtang, 主薄厅 zhuboting, 五官厅 wuguanting, 宪书房 xianshufang, 司书厅 sishuting, 时宪科 shixianke, 天文科 tianwenke, 漏刻科 loukeke for routine; 板库 banku for storing the book boards and 斋戒房 zhaijiefang, 土地庙 tudimiao, etc., for sacrifice and enshrinement.
3. 早年他投靠荆州史丁原,任主薄,丁原待他特别亲近。
Jingzhou to join the history of the early years of his Ding, Ren main thin, Ding that he particularly close.