

义女[yì nǚ]

词典adopted daughter养女;义女。

词典foster daughter[法] 养女;义女。

义女 汉英大词典

义女[yì nǚ]

adopted daughter; foster daughter

义女 双语例句

1. 义女

1. 他们要求政府撤销对尔旦夫妇的控诉﹐然后把尔旦的妻子认为义女柕┖退钠拮佣甲杂拙蜎有了父母﹐如今尔旦突然变成了这对富有夫妇的女婿﹐他的妻子也有了义父母。
    They asked the government to drop the charge against Er Dan and his wife. They adopted Er Dan's wife as their daughter. Er Dan and his wife had both lost their parents when they were young. Now Er Dan suddenly become the son-in-law of the wealthy couple and his wife had adopted parents.

2. 我想把克蕾丝认做我的义女,你们看怎么样?
    I do want to recognize my Keleisi-woman, how do you like?

3. 义女

3. 我想把她收为义女,你答不答应?
    I like her very much andintend to adopt her as our foster child. Would you agree?

4. 义女的解释

4. 从小她被一对好心的夫妇收为义女
    When she was a child, she was adopted by a kindhearted couple as their adoptive daughter.

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5. 她建议她的父母亲去把这个换头的女人认为义女﹐如此﹐每当他们思念她时就可以去拜访这个女人。
    She advised her parents to adopt the head-exchanged woman as their daughter, so that whenever they missed her they could visit the woman.

6. 义女

6. 尚书夫人在找女儿的时候找到了瑞莲,两人相依为命,一路南下,夫人还认了瑞莲为义女
    She adopted her as a daughter and they traveled south together, relying on each other for survival.

7. 义女的近义词

7. 她不像阿勇,俊扬,知道自己的姓名,所以我想收她为义女,不仅仅只教她武功,还给她一个姓,一个名,一个家。
    So Iintended to adopt her as a foster daughter, not only teach her KungFu, but also give her a surname and a whole home.

8. 义女的翻译

8. 昭君出塞历来是中国古代诗歌创作的重要题材,历来均是以表现怨情为主,但是宋代的一些昭君诗却表现出了全新的气象,不再以怨为主,而表现出了心忧天下,志在为国为民的崇高思想,从而完成了从怨女到义女的转变。
    They do not express mainly the theme of recentness, but lofty spirit of concerning the country and people, which therefore finishes the change of Wang Zhaojun's image from a resent girl to a lofty one.

9. 义女的意思

9. 虽然没有孩子,但有年幼的侄女和义女陪伴,夫妇俩也乐在其中。我们的青春转瞬即逝。
    They have no children, but enjoy the company of their young nieces and goddaughters. Time just got away from us.

10. 我们就是那身着飘然古装的壮士义女,我们就是那古籍中的侠客伊人,我们就是五千年月华琴声中的华夏儿女,晚风拂动衣裙的下摆,和着琴声古曲新唱,如一江春水酣畅淋漓。
    The tender wind fan the skirt, we are singing a archaic song in the new heart to accompany the tweedle, just like the flowing river with ease and verve.