

乌烟瘴气[wū yān zhàng qì]


词典The atmosphere was foul.乌烟瘴气。


词典a pestilential atmosphere乌烟瘴气。

词典foul atmosphere乌烟瘴气。


词典a turgid atmosphere of ignorance and confusion乌烟瘴气。

乌烟瘴气 汉英大词典

乌烟瘴气[wū yān zhàng qì]

The atmosphere was foul.; a pestilential atmosphere; foul atmosphere; a turgid atmosphere of ignorance and confusion; befoul the atmosphere; black smoke and pestilential vapours; pandemonium:

  例:他们里应外合, 把时局搞得乌烟瘴气

    Working in collusion, one from within and the other from without, they created pandemonium.

乌烟瘴气 网络解释

1. 乌烟瘴气

1. in chaos:careless 粗心大意 | in chaos 乌烟瘴气 | street gossip 街谈巷议

2. 乌烟瘴气

2. chaos:change with each passing day 日新月异 | chaos 乌烟瘴气 | Clothes do not make the man. 人不可貌相

3. 乌烟瘴气在线翻译

3. pestilential atmosphere:385 浪費力氣 a waste of effort 0 70600 | 386 烏煙瘴氣 pestilential atmosphere 0 415000 | 387 狼心狗肺 ungrateful and heartless 0 238000

4. Vicious Practices:1970 For The Young Generation 为了下一代 | 1970 Vicious Practices 乌烟瘴气 | 1969 All In The Family I & II 和家欢上,下集