

乐而忘返[lè ér wàng fǎn]

词典enjoy oneself so much that one doesn't want to come back乐而忘返;流连忘返。

词典be a slave of pleasure乐而忘返。

词典enjoy oneself and forget all about going home乐而忘返。


词典have much enjoyment and forget to return home乐而忘返。

乐而忘返 汉英大词典

乐而忘返[lè ér wàng fǎn]

enjoy oneself so much that one doesn't want to come back; be a slave of pleasure; enjoy oneself and forget all about going home; have much enjoyment and forget to return home

乐而忘返 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. Lost in Wonder:94.Man Overboard落水男人 | 95.Lost in Wonder乐而忘返 | 96.Buried Treasure宝藏

2. enjoy oneself so much that one doesn't want to return:刻舟求剑:nick the boat to seek the sword | 乐而忘返:enjoy oneself so much that one doesn't want to return | 泪如雨下:tears fall like rain