

乐颠颠[lè diān diān]



乐颠颠 双语例句

1. 乐颠颠

1. 射手男充其量就是一个乐颠颠的幸运小丑,给你带去欢乐,与你分享欢乐,爱你无异爱自己。但是从不让你看到真实的他自己。
    A Sagittarian man is more of a happy-go-lucky clown who will enjoy with you, share with you and love you like no other, but will never reveal a part of himself to you.

2. 我们告诉他,我们会乐颠颠儿地用服侍公爵的方式来服侍他。
    We told him that we would gladly treat him in the same manner that we were treating the duke.

3. 妈妈乐颠颠地带着我和女儿去了市场,女儿要了葡萄,我要了一只烤鸭。
    Then Mom led my daughter and I to the market with great joy. She bought grapes for my daughter and a roasted duck for me!

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 有卖健康药物的,快乐药片的,还有些卖如何发财的书,如何建立人际关系的书;小贩坐在他们的桌上乐颠颠地数着大把的钞票。
    Some are selling health remedy, happiness pills, some are selling fortune making and good relationship books and the money changers seated at their tables counting the money with a big smile.

5. 记得有一次,妈妈从外地带了个最流行的奥特曼我喜欢的不得了,在手里玩个不停,乐颠颠地,一不小心,摔在了地上,头给摔掉了,我嚎啕大哭起来,妈妈在一旁帮我想方设法地帮头给粘了上去,这才使我破涕为笑,看来我当时是把玩具当成自己生命去看待。
    I remember once, my mother from the field Dai Lege most popular Altman I like, incredibly, in the hands of playing non-stop, Le Diandian, the careless and fell to the ground, Head to Shuaidiao, and I crying together, my mother helped me to one side trying to help to stick the head up, That made me breaks through his tears, it seems the toy as I was to look at their lives.

6. 当制造商the Dalkon Shield因危险的并发症而受到起诉,它提供给美国国际发展代表处的设备大打折扣,没有消毒。代表处乐颠颠地把它们运到了国外。
    When the manufacturer of the Dalkon Shield was hit with lawsuits over dangerous complications, it offered the device at a big discount to the United States Agency for International Development, which happily shipped it abroad.