

乖觉[guāi jué]





乖觉 汉英大词典

乖觉[guāi jué]

alert; quick

乖觉 双语例句

1. 那些依人的小鸟儿,不在紧跟前的时候,不但不讨厌,反倒是乖觉可爱的眼前花。
    These birds, not immediately within sight, seemed rather bright and desirable appurtenances than otherwise.

2. 无论所有的编辑是怎样的伤感情---我十分幸运---我最初也对此反应乖觉,但接着我会冷静下来,继续处理,然后一年后我就可以把我的书拿在手里。
    With all editing, no matter how sensitive – and I've been very lucky here – I react sulkily at first, but then I settle down and get on with it, and a year later I have my book in my hand.

3. 乖觉的翻译

3. 你若是乖觉的,快跟我回去!
    If you've any sense, come backwith me at once!

4. 把头靠在牛肚子上以后,她就满眼含着乖觉隐约的追问神气,转向他。
    She turned her eyes, as she rested against the cow, full of sly inquiry upon him.

5. 菲尔很乖觉,有意保持了一会肃静。
    Phil had the tact to leave a moment's respectful silence.

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6. 布赖恩这点年纪,应该更乖觉些了。
    Brian is old enough to know better.