

Learning to read;
习读 双语例句

1. 习读的翻译

1. 宝庆三年(1227)。宋理宗下诏,特赠朱熹太师称号,追封信国公,并提倡学者习读朱熹着作。
    Baoqing three years (1227). Song Xia Zhao Methodism, the special title of Taishi donated Zhu Xi, the country Zhuifeng letter public, and to promote a scholar Zhu Xi Xi time for.

2. 习读的解释

2. 在台湾和香港,学龄儿童习读繁体字并无困难,而且这两个地区还是世界上识字率最高的地区之一。
    In Taiwan and Hong Kong, schoolchildren have no trouble learning traditional characters, and those regions demonstrate some of the highest literacy rates in the world.