

乡曲[xiānɡ qǔ]


乡曲 双语例句

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1. 老子的乡里籍贯是苦县厉乡曲仁里,即今河南省鹿邑县的太清宫镇。
    Lao Zi's native town is Qurenli Village in Li Town of Ku County, i. e. today's Taiqinggong Town in Luyi County of Henang Province.

2. 乡曲什么意思

2. 各家各户的屋顶上缕缕浮云般的炊烟冉冉升腾,晚归的牧童骑在牛背上,悠闲地哼着不知名的小曲,荷锄而归的农人三三两两,说说笑笑地议论着什么,还有那年轻一些的,嘴里正吆喝着不成调的乡曲,声音在山谷中回荡,逗乐了涓涓流淌的溪水。
    The roof of the families of smoke rising slowly drift continuously, the boy comes back home late on the back of a bull, carefree humming unknown song, hoe to farmers in twos and threes, laughing about something, and the younger, and his mouth was not threaten the tone, in the valley XiangQu voice echoed, delighting the grace of the stream.

3. 乡曲在线翻译

3. 曲士不可以语于道者,束于教也。乡曲之士,不可以跟他们谈论大道,是因为教养的束缚。
    The reason why unscholarly people can`t be talked to about general principle is that they are tied by their cultivation.

4. 乡曲的意思

4. 潮起潮落,流年似水,独弦声悠悠,弹却千家愁;有乡曲轻轻,唱到好时候
    Fuzhou people wherever they are will look to the sky when they hear this music and feel their longing for home.

5. 新英格兰请得起全世界的智者,来教育她自己,让他们在这里食宿,让我们不再过乡曲的生活。
    To act collectively is according to the spirit of our institutions; and I am confident that, as our circumstances are more flourishing, our means are greater than the nobleman's.

6. 福州儿女不论走到天涯海角,耳畔都会回荡起这温暖肺腑的乡曲
    This form of musical transitions through each combination while maintaining the rapt attention of the audience.

7. 对《震川先生集》中的乡曲应酬之作进行研究,着重分析归有光乡曲应酬之作的特点、创作缘起及这类散文呈现的世俗化的倾向。
    Focused on analyzing the characteristics of those prose and the origin written, the prose creation show the trend of secularization.

8. 乡曲

8. 因为和她发生恋爱的,是她那位隔着八十层远的族兄德伯先生,一位并不完全仅仅属于一区一隅的乡曲之士。
    For the fact that it was this said thirty-first cousin, Mr. d'Urbervilles, who had fallen in love with her, a gentleman not altogether local.

9. 长篇叙事诗《乡曲》的文学意义&杨骚诗歌创作论
    The Literature Significance of Long Narrative Poem Folk Music & On Creation of Yang Sao's Poetry

10. 因为和她发生恋爱的,是她那位隔着八十层远的族兄德伯先生,一位并不完全仅仅属于一区一隅的乡曲之士。
    For the fact that it was this said thirty-first cousin, Mr.d'Urbervilles, who had fallen in love with her, a gentleman not altogether local.