

书不尽言[shū bú jìn yán]

词典There is more what I want to say but cannot.书不尽言。

词典cannot write out wholly what one wants to say书不尽言。

书不尽言 汉英大词典

书不尽言[shū bú jìn yán]

There is more what I want to say but cannot.; cannot write out wholly what one wants to say

书不尽言 双语例句

1. 书不尽言

1. 书不尽言,言不尽意,意不尽情,情不自禁地对你说声:我真的好想你!
    Books are not the words, words not the meaning, meaning does not enjoy, you can not help but say: I really miss you!

2. 书不尽言的解释

2. 书不尽言
    Writing cannot fully express everything.