

乱臣贼子[luàn chén zéi zǐ]


词典treacherous ministers and traitors乱臣贼子。


词典rebellious ministers and villains乱臣贼子。

词典rebels and traitors乱臣贼子。

词典traitors and usurpers乱臣贼子。

乱臣贼子 汉英大词典

乱臣贼子[luàn chén zéi zǐ]

treacherous ministers and traitors; rebellious ministers and villains; rebels and traitors; traitors and usurpers; traitors and villains

乱臣贼子 双语例句

1. 从历史上看人就是有穷有福的,好不容易伟大领袖毛主席让人人平等了,结果又让这些乱臣贼子给弄成贫富差距巨大了!
    Judging from history, there are two kinds of people: rich and poor. Look what it took for our great leader Chairman Mao to give everyone equality, and now the result is that these traitors have created this enormous gap between the rich and the poor!

2. 早在两千年前,人物画就被政府机构广泛用做宣传工具,表彰忠臣烈士,批判乱臣贼子
    Human profiles were were used as a method to either glorify heroes or condemn traitors 2, 000 years ago.