

乳名[rǔ míng]


词典infant name奶名;乳名。

词典child's pet name乳名。

乳名 汉英大词典

乳名[rǔ míng]


infant name; child's pet name

乳名 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. petname:petitory 提出所有权要求的 | petname 乳名 | petoscope 运动目标电子探测器

2. Infant Name ; Child's pet name:燃灯佛:Dipamkara; Bright Buddha | 乳名:Infant Name ; Child's pet name | 入赘:Marry into and live with the wife;s family

乳名 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 不,我不想用这些冰冷的名字称呼他们,我多想叫着他们带着泥土气的乳名,拉着他们的小手,走近他们的生活
    No, I wouldn`t want to address them with these icy cold names, how I wish to call out their pet names that are full of earthy smell, to hold their tiny hands, to walk into their livings

2. 在家乡如绳的田埂上,是不是有一位老者,和我一样,站在月光下,形影孤怜,轻唤一个人的乳名
    Is there an elder, like me, standing in the moonlight on the ridge of the fields of hometown, lonely, calling out someone's baby name.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 非常健康,比别的小孩还有灵活,得知她养父母帮她取灵儿这个乳名我们也转为了感激,就前些日子突然变得痴呆了起来,我和纪洁怕周围亲戚朋友知道会担心,所以三个人搬来了恩宇。"
    Very healthy and flexible than the other children also learned that her parents helped her get it Linger We are also grateful to the tough time, it suddenly became dementia up long ago and I fear that the surrounding Jijie worried relatives and friends know, so three settled by ex-yu."

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 我只知道自己的生日和乳名
    I only remember my birthday and my infant name.

5. 乳名在线翻译

5. 乳名在大陆征。。。。。。
    Infant name is collected in the mainland, the name......

6. 乳名

6. 你的其他名字(包括乳名,婚前的名字等
    Other names you are, or have been, known by

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 不,我不想用这些冰冷的名字称呼他们,我多想叫着他们带着泥土气的乳名,拉着他们的小手,走近他们的生活
    Or the next generations of the migrant workers.

8. 小名:小时候起的非正式的名字,也叫乳名
    The infant name is an informal name for a child, also called pet name.

9. 大熊猫名字采取双名制,即乳名和大名,均为两个汉字。
    Giant panda name adopts double name to make, namely infant name and name, all be two Chinese characters.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. 她白发如雪,正在含泪为青草浇水,低声呼唤儿子的乳名
    Her hair as white as snow, she was irrigating green grasses in tears, lowly whisper her son's pet name.

11. 高贵友乳名“狗子”,14岁时离开家来到天津,当了刘家蒸食铺的小伙计。
      At the age of14, Doggie left home and came to Tianjin, where he was apprenticed to a restaurant specializing in stuffed buns.

12. 乳名(包括绰号)是汉族许多农民一生的主要名字。
      Pet names and nicknames are the main titles for many Han farmers in their life times.