

I know;
予知 双语例句

1. 根据容闳的描述,曾国藩「似觉得非常兴趣,予知其於机器为创见,因导其历观由美购回各物,并试验自行运动之机,明示以应用之方法。
    According to Yung Wing, Zeng stood and watched automatic movement with unabashed delight, for this was the first time he had seen machinery and how it worked.

2. 目前的破解固件可行是因为测盘命令都在盘的 SS里面,所以测盘命令是可以予知的。
    Current Xbox360 dvd-drive hacks work since the challenge/response pairs are stored in the security sector on the disc, meaning that all possible challenge/responses are known in advance.

3. 予知

3. 中国民间传说中,谭公出生在属于惠州的地区,他能予知天气,为小孩医愈病,相传他20岁时在惠州九龙峰得道。
    In Chinese folk legends, Tam Kung was one of gods who could forecast the weather.

4. 予知是什么意思

4. 所以MS最好的做法是加入未能予知的SS码,当破解光驱未能正确回应测盘命令的话,就不能起动游戏。
    The best way for MS to solve this problem is to use challenge/response pairs that are not known in advance to the dvd-drive.