1. 争妍斗奇什么意思
1. 放眼望去,整个区域到处都是英国花园里常见的白的,黄的,红的,还有橙色的郁金香、水仙花及其他各种鲜花,一派争妍斗奇,璀璨夺目的景象。
The whole area becomes ablaze with the whites, yellows, reds, and oranges of tulips, daffodils and other species popular in English gardens
2. 争妍斗奇
2. 市内树木苍翠茂盛,风光绮丽,热带植物繁花似锦,争妍斗奇,象征着这个多族裔社会的欣欣向荣,多民族的和洽共处。
Lush green trees in the city, scenery So, it should continue to tropical plants, for instance the Big Dipper strange, as a symbol of this multi-ethnic society thriving, multi-ethnic coexistence here.