争长论短[zhēng cháng lùn duǎn]
词典dispute with sb. about some insignificant matters:争长论短。
词典engage in controversies of not much importance:争长论短。
词典squabble over rights and wrongs:争长论短。
争长论短[zhēng cháng lùn duǎn]
dispute with sb. about some insignificant matters; argue; engage in controversies of not much importance; squabble over rights and wrongs; wrangle about sth.
1. 苏珊不爱同人争长论短,但她可不能忍受任何不公正的待遇。
Susan did not like to argue with others, but she could not bear any injustice.
2. 争长论短的意思
2. 对无可避免的事争长论短有何用?
Is there any~in arguing with the inevitable?
3. 争长论短
3. 表哥在一家陶瓷公司打工,平常沉默寡言,说话结结巴巴,所以,他从不与人争长论短。
Cousin working in a ceramics company, usually reticent, speaking haltingly, so he never competing with the short length.
4. 读书不为争长论短,不为轻信盲从,也不为高谈阔论,而旨在衡情度理。
Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider.
5. 北美的白人男子也许会认同与当权者争长论短,而亚洲人一般会对领导们言听计从;拉美文化背景的人们常常是听着音乐,连吃带喝,拖家带口来上班,虽然美国公司从来没有容许过这样的习惯;在面试中没有目光交流的应聘者会因为不善于沟通而被刷下来,而也许按照她的文化习俗,这些举动只是礼貌的表现。
Whereas North American white males may believe in challenging authority, Asians tend to respect and defer to it. In Hispanic cultures, people often bring music, food, and family members to work, a custom that U. S. businesses have traditionally not allowed. A job applicant who won't make eye contact during an interview may be rejected for being unapproachable, when according to her culture, she was just being polite.
6. 争长论短的近义词
6. 这里十分热闹嘈杂,摊贩不停的叫卖声,驴子的嘶咛声和搬运工大声吆喝着的人们让路,要买不买拿不住主意的顾客,争长论短,讨价还价,如此嘈杂之声不绝于耳,真让人眼花头晕。
The din of store-holder crying their warns, of donkeys and porters clearing away from themselves by shouting vigorously and would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining is continuous makes you dizzy.