

二伏[èr fú]

词典the second of the three ten-day periods of the hot season中伏;二伏。

二伏 汉英大词典

二伏[èr fú]

the second of the three ten-day periods of the hot season

二伏 双语例句

1. 大j于这种二伏态的资科,应川多因索分{斤、六殆兄川
    It can be both used in the material that has or hasn't confounding factors.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 选取120例缓解期哮喘患儿,随机分为四组:喘敷灵三伏穴位贴敷组30例,即分别在头伏、二伏、三伏的第一天穴位贴敷喘敷灵,共三次;西药酮替芬口服预防组(8组)30例,给予酮替芬1mg,每日两次,连服三月;普米克吸入预防组30例,给予普米克气雾剂吸入,5岁以下加用储雾罐;空白对照组30例,缓解期不给予任何治疗。
    Methods 120 cases in asthma remission phase were randomly divided into 4 groups, and each group had 30 cases: A group was given CFL by applying on the points on dog-days; B group: ketotifen...