

二吴 双语例句

1. 二吴郡张氏热心学习中原文化,宋齐两世在玄学、仪范等方面都取得了堪与侨人比肩的成果,但在社会地位上却受到高自标置的侨姓士族的排抑,在此影响下,南齐张融的清谈、容止、文学等各方面都有别于社会主流文化,显示出对吴姓传统文化的继承和对侨姓士族文化的反思、批判态度。
    The second, literati from Wu-jun Zhang family learned northern culture enthusiastically, in the Song and Qi Dynasty, they even did as well as the Qiaoxing in the area of Xuanxue and manner, but their social status was suppressed by the Qiaoxing. Under the influence of that, Zhang Rong's culture such as Xuanxue, manner, literary, was different from current culture and showed the inheritance of Wuxing's traditional culture and criticism to Qiaoxing's culture.