云堤[yún dī]
cloud bank
1. cloud bank:cloudband 云带 | cloudbank 云堤 | cloudbanner 旗状云
1. 全景图的最右边,月球几乎完全被行进的云堤遮挡,但实际上,正是这些云层本身在明亮的月光下投下了阴影,营造了穿越傍晚天空的月球射线效果。
At the far right, the Moon is nearly hidden by an approaching cloudbank, but the clouds themselves actually cast shadows in the bright moonlight, creating the effect of Moon rays across the evening sky.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 云堤之外
Out of the cloud bank.
3. 交大?天赐云堤位于新都区斑竹园镇忠义村,占地近200亩,南临毗河,东距成都北新大道仅400米。
National Chiao Tung University heaven-sent clouds of seawall in Xindu District owner Yuanzhen yi Village, covering nearly 200 acres, south Pihe, Dongju Chengdu Shinchi Avenue only 400 meters.
4. 2007,隆康置业有限公司屹时代高度,厚积薄发,倾力推出其城北1号作品——交大?云堤,刷新未来理想居所的华丽篇章!
Long Kang Yi, Ltd times height, Houjibofa, Qingli the launch of its North on the 1st works - National Chiao Tung University heaven-sent clouds embankment, a refresh of an ideal future home of the magnificent chapter!
5. 由于切变线上的辐合上升运动,开始形成云堤,然后由台风环流将它们逐渐转变成螺旋状云(雨)带。
The cloud bands originate from the convergence along the typhoon shear lines.